What is the wrong shoe for band camp?
What are crocs?
Who is the person who does not go to our school but Madison loves?
Who is Mason Stiver?
Who is the iconic ¨leader¨ that we all know and love?
Who is Madison Palmer?
What is the instrument that is shinny and has a long slide?
What is a trombone?
What should you never do while marching backward?
What is a roll-step?
Who is allergic to bees, yet never brings their epipen?
Who is Kevin Dikeman?
Who is the one that is always way to up close and personal, but is nice to talk to when needed?
Who is Izzy M?
What is the instrument that can not be outside in the rain and always has issues?
What is the piano?
What is the most unconformable shoe on the earth?
What are BLACK drill masters?
Who is probably the most feared and hated on the marching band team?
Who is Kelly Hopkins?
Who is one of the clarinet players and only joined 2 years ago and we love them?
Who is Bianca Guzzon?
What is the longish instrument that is all black and you can if this instrument is not sliding?
What is the clarinet?
What is thing that people with shoulder/back/neck issues struggle with? (hint: Madison,Rylee,Sophie)
Who is the one that does not like to socialize with anyone and shows up out of no ware?
Who is Dan Hopkins?
Who is the person who has wrist problems?
Who is Lily Hunting?
What is the instrument that can never be quiet but is never loud when it needs to be?
What is the trumpet?
What is the highest rank in a marching band?
What is a drum major?
Izzy S and Sophie´s favorite person?
Who is Kelsey Borys?
Who is the one who played saxophone, but now does clarinet?
Who is Izzy S?
What is the instrument that you don´t usually see as a marching instrument it is also very heavy?