The day that comes after Mardi Gras
What is Ash Wednesday?
Pennsylvania Dutch donuts commonly eaten on Fat Tuesday
What is a faushnaut?
The color of Lent
What is purple?
The shortest verse of the bible
What is "Jesus Wept."?
The celebration of Mardi Gras in New Orleans
What is carnival?
The signature Mardi Gras dessert
What is King Cake?
The day Lent starts
What is Ash Wednesday?
The food that Jesus gave to the 5,000
What is loaves and fish?
The time that New Orleans law requires masks to be removed on Mardi Gras
What is 6pm?
A puffy, deep-fried pastry that's covered in powdered sugar
What is a Beignet?
What are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving?
About how many different english versions of the Bible there are
What is 900?
The day that kicks off carnival celebrations each year
What is January 6th or the Epiphany?
Sandwich made of fried shrimp, lettuce, tomato, and remoulade sauce served on French bread
What is a shrimp po boy?
The most important holiday in the world
What is Easter
Musicals by Andrew Lloyd Webber that are based on bible stories
What are Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Jesus Christ Superstar?
A private organization staging festivities (such as parades) during Mardi Gras in New Orleans
What is a krewe?
Sliced bananas and walnuts in a buttery rum sauce and served over vanilla ice cream
What is a Banana Foster?
Why Easter is different every year
What is it is calculated based on the lunar cycle, specifically the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox?
Spell the word your host says
All of the books that are ONLY in the Catholic bible
What are Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach (Ecclesiastes), Baruch, and 1 and 2 Maccabees?