Someone we can ask for help in the community.
a. a child
b. a police officer
c. a stranger
Who is a Police officer?
This sign means:
a. Go
b. Stop
c. Spin
What is stop?
A place we go when we want to get a "spare" or a "strike" and knock all the pins down.
a. grocery store
b. bowling alley
c. laundromat
What is the bowling alley?
Someone who we call when there is a fire.
a. mail carrier
b. post officer
c. firefighter
Who is a firefighter?
This sign means we can:
a. Cross safely
b. Park
c. Exit
What is cross safely?
The place we go where there are lots of stores.
a. the mall
b. the bowling alley
c. the movie theatre
What is the mall?
Someone who delivers packages and letters to our house.
a. sanitation worker
b. mail carrier
c. store cashier
Who is a mail carrier?
This sign is for:
a. blue car parking
b. duck crossing
c. parking only for those with disabilities
What is parking only for those with disabilities?
A place we go that has a red bullseye as its symbol and we can buy lots of items such as food and toys.
a. post office
b. library
c. Target
What is Target?
Someone who picks up our recycling or trash.
a. sanitation worker
b. florist
c. pharmacist
Who is a sanitation worker?
This sign means
a. Hi
b. Walk
c. Don't Walk
What is Don't Walk?
Before we cross the street we must do this.
a. check our pockets
b. dance
c. look both ways
What is look both ways?
A person who drives the bus to school everyday.
a. principal
b. bus driver
c. custodian
Who is a school bus driver?
When it is time to leave, we need to look for this sign to show us the way out.
a. Exit sign
b. stop sign
c. railroad sign
What is an exit sign?
A place where we go to learn with our friends.
a. school
b. playground
c. grocery store
What is school?