Early Career Development
Career Development Theories
Informal Assessments
Code of Ethics
Career Development Interventions
It's better to choose a vocation than just hunt for a job
what is Parson's principles
His theory is referred to as life-span, life-space
who is Donald Super
A series of items that may relate to an individual's preferred work setting, job characteristics, work tasks, work values, or skills

what is a checklist


The primary responsibility of career professionals is to respect the dignity and to promote the welfare of the individuals to whom they provide service.

what is Section A. The Professional Relationship

providing opportunities to break down occupational stereotypes, to involve parents/guardians as well as community and business representatives in the school counseling curriculum, and to help students begin making positive connections between themselves and their futures in an elementary school setting

what is career day

Important advances on the development and use of aptitude tests where identified in "Aptitudes and Aptitude Testing" written by whom?
Who is Walter Bingham

Her theory was called Personality ­Theory of Career Choice

Who is Anne Roe

an activity in which a counselor asks one or more individuals to relax, close their eyes, and imagine an ideal day that includes time at a worksite

What is a career fantasy


Maintaining awareness and sensitivity regarding cultural meanings of confidentiality and privacy

what is Section B. Confidentiality, Privileged Communication, and Privacy

using careful planning and identifying specific objectives that involves teachers, counselors, students, off site workplace personnel and parents

what is a field trip

The psychograph was a graphic representation of a person's relevant characteristics and strengths in various occupational fields and was developed by?
who is Morris Viteles
His theory is called Career Construction Theory
Who is Mark Savickas

an activity in which an individual or a group is given a deck of cards. Each card represents something related to career choice, such as a work value, a skill, a work task, or a characteristic of a work setting. Typically, the card would contain the name of the characteristic (such as Variety, Managing People, or Making or Repairing Things) and a definition of it.

what is a card sort


using assessment instruments as one component of the career services process, taking into account the client’s personal and cultural context.

what is Section E: Evaluation, Assessment, and Interpretation


helping students acquire accurate estimates of their abilities

what is an aptitude test

__________ advocated a six step process when conducting trait and factor career counseling
who is E.G. Williamson
Her theory is called Integrative Life Planning
Who is L. Sunny Hansen

when a counselor asks questions that are related to some theoretical base

what is a structured interview


engaging in providing career services online and using technology and/or social media within their practice

what is Section F: Providing Career Services Online, Technology, and Social Media


assisting in increasing students’ thinking about the interrelationship of life roles

what is a group guidance format


What institute found that improved guidance services were needed to create a more stable labor force and foster recovery from the Great Depression

what is the Minnesota Employment Stabilization Research Institute
Their theory is referred to as Chaos Theory of Careers
Who are Robert Pryor and Jim Bright

it is used with small or large groups to make individuals aware of realities related to career choice and planning

what is a game


planning, designing, conducting, and reporting research in a manner that is consistent with pertinent ethical principles, all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, laws, regulations, and/or procedures, host institutional regulations, and scientific standards governing research with human research participants.

what is Section H: Research and Publication


when professional school counselors  involve parents/guardians directly in the career counseling experience

what is parent-involved career exploration (PICE)