Fire Safety
Who you gonna Call?
Time for a Incident Report!
Oh No!

This is the first step to take when the building’s fire alarm sounds.

What is evacuating the building?


There is a physical fight between residents

What is 911, Security, AOC.

Staff should not confront an assailant or attempt to intervene in the altercation. Staff should not put themselves in danger.

If the incident occurred in a residence hall, the student(s) can pursue both the University judicial process and the Justice system.

If the incident occurred off-campus, RHOC refers the student(s) to the police or the Sheriff’s Department.


How long after an incident should a Incident Reports (IR) be written?

What is less than 24 hours?

Who do you call in case of an active flood (plumbing issue or water getting into the building)?

What is Security, on call campus services/ maintenance.

RA notifies AOC. AOC notifies Security and Campus Services. RA may assist AOC in managing the situation until Campus Services arrives.


A door is propped open with no one around?

What is Close the door


What should you do if you hear a smoke detecor going off in your hall?

What is Pull the fire alarm, exit the building. Call 911, Security, and AOC. Direct residents outside to your hall's assembly location


There is the smell of marijuana while you are on your rounds

What is another Resident Assistant, or another nose.

If the odor of marijuana is strong enough to easily determine it is marijuana, and can be pinpointed to one room/apartment, 2 RA’s knock on doors in the area of the odor and confront situation. If not pinpointed an IR is written. AOC is called if needed. If the marijuana amount and issues arise DRL and DOS/VP will determine to call police. During this time, RA manages crowd control and responds to requests by RHOC or Security.


What do you do if you witness residents climbing the outside of Naber

What is confront and document?


Before a student discloses information potentially concerning the well-being of themselves, what should the RA inform the reporting party?

That they are a Mandatory Reporter, and lay out confidentiality limitations.


How many incident reports must you write a year to reach quota?

We dont have a quota.


Do we knock on individual doors during fire alarms?

What is NO

Your safety is most important, if you can knock on doors while going to the nearest exit that is okay but the biggest priority should be getting to safety as quick as possible. 


You here a rumor of a Physical Assault that occured on campus

What is AOC, and Non Emergancy if needed.


When the front desk worker calls (you) the RA on Duty to report a underage resident entering Naber who appears to be intoxicated, this is what you should do?

What is check well being, confront, and document.


A resident broke there arm and is requesting you to transport them to the hospital, you can take them?



Emergency Transport, RA notifies AOC. AOC or DRL goes to transport resident to Hospital.

A trusted friend of Resident may also transport resident.


You see a bag over a residents smoke detector in their dorm room. What to you do?

Confront make sure they remove the bag, document the incident.


Can a resident have candles in there room for decoration, if they are never lit? 

NO, candles are not allowed on campus.


There is a power outage

What is On Call Maintence/Campus services, AOC, Security.


A resident who reported a situation to you would like to help assist you in writing/reviewing your incident report, can they help?

No, a resident should not have access or be able to view any incident report even if they are involved due to confidentiality.


A suspicious man is walking on campus testing if car doors are locked in the parking lot, you should confront and ask what he is doing? T/F

False, you should call securtiy! 


If a Fond Du Lac Police Officer comes to the front door of your building asking for a resident, it is okay to let them in?



call security, and AOC and they will authorize the officer to be let in, unless life threatening emergency.

A resident is allowed to leave there food cooking on the stove unoccupied if they set a timer?




A Resident has a Weapon in there room

What is Security, AOC, DRL, VP, Non Emergency Police.

If staff member is aware or has heard that a resident possesses a weapon or sees a weapon in hand: RA notifies AOC/RHD, RHD notifies Police Department, Security, and DRL. DRL notifies DOS/VP.


Resident comes to you and reports their roomate is missing, what is your first step to take?

Contact the director of residence life to investigate, attempt to contact missing resident.


You encounter a dead body, what is your first 3 steps?

Do not move it, call 911, crowd control,

Try to prevent anyone from disturbing the body/ seeing.


You should contact who after a resident makes a Suicide Threat/Ideation

A resident makes a Suicidal Ideation comment “The world would be better without me.” and a statement of an intention to harm oneself, even though no attempt has yet taken place.

All threats must be taken seriously. You must notify AOC, Severa, Security. 

RA notifies RHOC. RHOC notifies DRL. DRL notifies DOS/VP. RHOC consults with DOS/VP and/or Counseling Center Staff to determine how to proceed, which may include contacting the Non-Emergency Police Department.