She named Polonium after this country
What is Poland?
Two, Physics and Chemistry
What are the two Nobel Prizes that Marie won?
Maria Sklodowska
What was Marie Curie original name?
When did Marie Curie move to Paris?
Polish, Russian, Germen, French, English
Which languages did Marie Curie speak?
The cause of Marie Curie's fainting
what is Nutrional value ?
What did Marie Curie Use on the Battlefield of World War 1?
Aplastic anemia (excessive radiation)
What was the cause of death of Marie Curie?
November 7th, 1867
When was Marie Curie born?
Phyisin and Chemist
What two jobs did Marie Curie have?
Where did Marie Curie moved to?
Nobel Prize
Marie Curie was the first women to get what?
Pierre Curie
Who was Marie Curie's husband?
How many siblings did Marie Curie have?
Mathematics and physics
what did Marie Curie Study on her own?
X rays
what is Radioactivity used for?
Two laboratories
Marie Curie was the head of how many laboratories?
Irene and Eve
What was the names of Marie Curie's daughters?
Warsaw, Poland
Where was Marie Curie born?
Sorbonne in Paris
What university did Marie Curie get her degree?
Bread and butter with tea
What was Marie Curie's favorite food?
Radium and Podium
what was Marie Curie famous for the discovering?
Were did Marie Curie meet her husband?
introspective, quiet
How was Marie Curie as a child?
15 years old
What is the age Marie Curie graduated high school?