What is Mariela's major at USU?
What city is Will from?
Farmington, UT
Where is the wedding reception going to be held?
Where did Mariela & Will meet?
YSA Seafood Boil Activity
Who is the better cook?
How many summers has Mariela lived in Provo?
How many siblings does Will have?
3 younger siblings
What are the wedding colors?
Fall colors
Who initiated the first kiss?
Who said I love you first?
How many total jobs has Mariela had?
2-2.5 years
Where are Mariela & Will going on their honeymoon?
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
How many months did Mariela & Will date before getting engaged?
8 months
Complete the lyric:
It's a beautiful night
I'm looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby ...
I think I wanna marry you
(Bruno Mars)
How many official boyfriends has Mariela had?
3 - including Will
What is Will's favorite holiday?
How many wedding invitations will Mariela & Will send out? (within 50)
Roughly 500
What physical casualty occurred to Mariela while kissing Will?
Broken front tooth
What is the date of Will's birthday?
May 15th
What is Mariela's pet peeve?
Someone being on their phone during a conversation
What is Will's favorite fast food chain?
In n Out
What is the total number of bridesmaids & groomsmen? (within 1)
How long after meeting Mariela did Will meet Mariela's family?
Approximately 1 month
(1.5 weeks after their first date)
What is Will's most used emoji?
Red Heart