
TRUE OR FALSE: Smoking marijuana is safe

FALSE: Marijuana has over 400 chemicals in it. Some of these chemicals are linked to causing cancer. Using cannabis can have the following effects on your body:

may decrease your memory, ability to pay attention and concentrate, and your ability to learn

can affect your mental health

can affect your moods and feelings

can damage your lungs

give you more coughs, colds, and chest infections


A girls name.

What is Mary Jane.


What is a long term effect of using Marijuana?

Problems with memory, paying attention, concentration, & learning

Increased risk of psychosis (hearing, seeing, or feeling things that aren't real), anxiety, breathing problems (ie worsening asthma)


Using during pregnancy or breastfeeding can harm a fetus or a newborn


A way to use marijuana that is also a name for a part of the body.

What is a joint.


Marijuana is classified as a ____________.

a.) stimulant

b.) depressant

c.) psychedelic

c.) psychedelic


TRUE OR FALSE: Marijuana is addictive

TRUE: The risk of becoming addicted is 1 in 6 (17%) among those who start using cannabis as a youth. The youth brain is still developing which makes it easier to become addicted to cannabis and other drugs.

 Source: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse "The Effects of Cannabis Use During Adolescence"


A nickname for cannabis that is also a name for a gardener's enemy?

 What is Weed.


How does marijuana affect your driving?

It can decrease alertness, concentration, coordination, and reaction time. It doubles your risk of being seriously injured or killed in a car accident. 

When you use alcohol OR Marijuana the odds of being in a fatal crash increase.

If a police officer finds that you are impaired by any drug, including cannabis, you will face serious penalties, including:

  • a license suspension
  • financial penalties
  • possible vehicle impoundment
  • possible criminal record
  • possible jail time

This means to be brutally honest and is a way to use marijuana.

What is blunt.


What is the chemical in cannabis that makes you feel like you're "high"?

THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is the main chemical and is most responsible for the “high”. It also affects your coordination and balance, and may cause you to feel anxiety, panic, and trouble knowing what's real and what's not real.

Cannabis comes in many different strains, with many different percentages of THC. The more THC in the cannabis, the more likely you are to experience negative effects from the cannabis.


TRUE OR FALSE: Using marijuana at a young age or using it every day for a long period of time may cause harm which may not go away when you stop using

TRUE: Using marijuana when you're younger (and by young we mean teenagers, and definitely younger than 18) can increase the risk of problems with your health, education and social life. 

If you already use often, try to limit your use, such as using only on weekends or once a week until you are able to quit.


A kitchen item used for cooking that is also a nickname for cannabis?

What is pot.


Name two groups of people that may be easily harmed by marijuana.

1) Youth 25 years of age and under

Children and babies exposed to second-hand cannabis smoke may have damage to their developing brain and lungs

2) Pregnant and breastfeeding women may pass the harmful chemicals in cannabis  to their babies through the placenta and through their breast milk. There is no known safe amount or time for cannabis use in pregnancy and when breastfeeding

3) Those with a mental health issue or those with a parent or sibling with a mental health issue are at a greater risk for harms

4) Those with a substance use problem or those with a parent or sibling with a substance use problem are at a greater risk for harms


Why are cannabis oil pens (vapes) dangerous?

To make cannabis into oil, polyethanol glycol is used, which is unsafe for inhalation and can cause cancer.

THC levels are higher in the marijuana oil used in e-cigarettes/vapes.


What other plant contains CBD?

The Hemp Plant


True or False? Marijuana decreases athletic performance.

True - Marijuana impairs your ability to perform things requiring eye-hand coordination and a fast reaction time. Reduces motor coordination, tracking ability and perceptual accuracy. Impairs concentration, and time appears to move more slowly. Skill impairment may last up to 24 to 36 hours after usage. Reduces maximal exercise capacity resulting in increased fatigue. Marijuana has no performance-enhancing potential


A word used to describe someone who isn't very smart.

What is dope.


Each and every time you use marijuana your body and mind may be affected. What are 2 possible short-term effects.

Feelings of paranoia, anxiety, feeling like time is moving slowly, psychosis (hearing, seeing, and feeling things that aren't real), difficulty paying attention, difficulty remembering, shaking, poor coordination and balance, slower reaction time

Increased heart rate, increased hunger, increased blood pressure, dilated pupils, red eyes, dry mouth, and throat.


What are two concerns with Edibles?

They take longer to get into your system so you may eat more thinking it hasn't "worked"

They are packaged in more than one serving per bag and a serving may be much smaller than you realize.

If you make them yourself you may not know how much cannabis to use.


Can you be prescribed marijuana by your doctor and have it covered by insurance?

No, because marijuana is not federally legal it cannot be prescribed (prescription drugs are federally regulated) and therefore will have to be paid for out of pocket.


TRUE OR FALSE: Eating or drinking products that have marijuana in them is safer than smoking it.

FALSE: Smoking marijuana (in joints, bongs, etc) may be the most harmful way of using cannabis because it affects your lungs. But, eating or drinking products that have marijuana in them is not safe. When you eat edibles, your high is delayed. Remember that no method is entirely risk-free.


A plant that is plentiful and requires regular maintenance.

 What is grass.


The part of your body most effected by marijuana

What is the brain!


What are the dangers of having THC oils or lotions in a house?

Children could think it is regular lotion

Elderly people may use too much

It is hard to dose properly


What is the chemical in marijuana that can be used to help some people with health problems?

Cannabidiol (CBD). CBD does not make you feel "high". It has been shown to help with some forms of chronic pain, nausea and vomiting.