Dive In
Tiny Ocean Organisms
Ocean Invertebrates
Non-Bony Fishes
Marine Mammals

The layer of the ocean that is the surface layer and extends down 200 meters.

What is the sunlight layer?


Organisms that cannot swim at all and are moved along by ocean current.  

What are plankton?


A marine invertebrate that is an animal filled with many pores in their body and have a web-like fiberous "skeleton."

What are sponges?


When referring to many species of fish, this is the correct grammar.

What are fishes?


An animal that has large back flippers that can help it move on land.  

What is a sea lion?


The layer of the ocean below the sunlight layer that only a small amount of sunlight can reach, but there is no photosynthesis.

What is the twilight layer?


The only plant group that is completely marine. 

What are seagrasses?


From phylum Cnidaria, this is an organism that can be a polyp or a medusa and can sting its prey with structures called nematocysts.

What are jellyfish?


What shark or ray structure is made of.

What is cartlidge?


Animal that are in order Sirenia that are slow-moving and are non-harmful plant eaters.

What are manatees?


What is the very deepest layer of the ocean that is very cold with high pressure?

What is the trench layer?


Organisms that are not plants that are eukaryotic and can range in colors of red to brown to green.

What are multicullular algae?


Animals that are tiny polyps with cup-shaped walls.  When they die, their calcium carbonate skeletons are covered with new polyps that build a larger reef.

What is coral?


Organs for taking oxygen from the water.

What are gills?


What marine mammals use  to communicate and to discover objects that are nearby and what they are made of.

What is echolocation?


The light made within the organism that is the result of a chemical reaction for animals living in ocean layers with no light.

What is bioluminescence?


The part of seaweed that looks like leaves and absorbs sunlight for photosynthesis.

What are blades?


A cnidarian that remains as a single large polyp and has a symbotic relationship with clown fish.

What are anemones?


A non-bony fish that has a whip like tail that has stinging spines at its base.

What is a stingray?


Toothless whales that eat tiny plankton.

What are baleen whales?


A community of organisms that interact with each other and their physical environment.

What is an ecosystem?


Bacteria that can photosynthesize at great rates and they change nitrogen gas in the atmosphere to something other living things can use. 

What are cyanobacteria?


The side of a cnidarian that has the mouth.

What is the oral side?


A non-bony fish that has rows of razor-sharp teeth that can be quickly replaced. 

What is a shark?


Animals in order Pinnipedia that do not have noticably external ears.

What are seals?