Beluga whale can’t swim backwards
False (it actually can)
Do bony fish have nostrils?
Yes, they do
Do fish have muscles?
Yes, they do
What is the biggest whale (or animal) to ever live?
The blue whale 🐋
Blue whale has a heart with a size of a small car
Which sense do all fish have, but humans don’t?
The lateral line
What is purpose of swim bladder?
Controlling the buoyancy of the fish
sperm whale
Sharks can only swim forward
What main factors unite all bony fish?
1) they all have a backbone (vertebrate)
2) they breath using gills
3) they all live in water
4) they all have scales
5) they all move using fins
Which organ breaks down toxins and old blood cells in fish as well as being a storage area for fats, blood sugar and vitamins?
Which whale is called the “unicorn of the sea”?
Abyssopelagic zone is the deepest zone of the ocean
False (the deepest zone of the ocean is Hadopelagic)
What is an operculum?
An operculum is a hard bony plate that protects the gills. Bony fish has two operculums, on each side of their heads
What is otolith?
Otolith is fish’s inner ear, which enable them to listen to sound waves that travel through the water
Which whale doesn’t have any natural predators?
Killer whale
The age of bottlenose dolphin can be determined by the number of layers in their teeth
What is the main difference between bony fish tail and shark’s tail?
The tail of bony fish is symmetrical ( because upper and lower ends of the tail are the same size ), while shark’s tail has the upper end generally bigger than the lower end of the tail.
Which organ assist with excretion and regulating the water balance?
What type of whales has more species?
the balleen type of whales
the toothed type of whales
The toothed type of whales ✅
( it has around 65 species while the balleen type of whales has only 14 species)