Marine Invertebrates
Marine Ecosystems
Marine Mammals

This type of wave is often a result of an earthquake that occurs underwater.

What is a tsunami?


This is the other name for a shark's tail fin

What is the caudal fin


This marine invertebrate has tube feet, 5 arms, and instead of blood they have a water vascular system. 

What are Sea Stars


This is the coldest, saltiest, marine ecosystem in the world. 

What is Antarctic?


These pinepeds have ear flaps, which make them different from seals in New England. They also are very most as they "bark" off the California coast. 

What are sealions


These are responsible for around 200 deaths per year. It is important to look at the ocean and flags flying when you're at the beach.

What are rip currents?


This type of shark is thought to live up to 400 years old. 

What is a Greenland shark


This marine invertebrate sounds like a form of currency, but isn't. They are an echinoderm that are covered in hair-like feet which help them to move around and bury themselves in sand. 

What is a Sand dollar


This marine ecosystem is found in places like South Africa and the West Coast of the United States. There are tall stalks with gas bladders and blades that help the brown algae to grow quickly and form dense groups. 

What are kelp forests?


Sea otters display this behavior by holding hands to form these ____________.

What are rafts


This is the pH of the Ocean

What is 8.3


A shark is covered in placoid scales known as __________ ___________. 

What are dermal denticles 


These marine invertebrates have tenticles that have barbs with stinging cells. They are in the phylum Cnidaria and have a soft top, radial symmetry, and no brain. They float along in ocean currents. A famous example of one is a Portuguese Man O War

What are jellyfish 


This marine ecosystem is gone to 25% of marine life in the ocean. They can be very colorful. They are formed by colonies of polyps with calcium carbonate exoskeleton. They are known for being the "rainforests" of the ocean.

What are coral reefs


This is the term for what sea otters and apex predator sharks, like white sharks,  are to an ecosystem. If they were to be removed, not only is the food web affected but the environment would change as well.

What are keystone species 


The Mid Atlantic Ridge is this type of seafloor feature. It is the largest of these in the world!

What is a mountain range?


Nurse sharks are able to do this,  which enables them to lay on the seafloor instead of constantly moving. 

What is buccal pumping


This type of marine invertebrate may have a mutualistic relationship with anemone fish. They too have the ability to sting. They resemble flowers in their appearance, but in reality they are an animal with a stalk and at the top of the stalk is a disk that opens and closes to take in food or release waste. Their foot helps them attach to surfaces.

What is a sea anemone


This marine ecosystem is very important for juvenile fishes, manatees, marine invertebrates, and green turtles. 

What are sea grass beds


This marine mammal is a relative of the Florida Manatee. It is found in the Indian and western Pacific Oceans.

What is a Dugong


This is the other name for underwater volcanoes! They occur around convergent and spreading ridge plate boundaries. 

What are hydrothermal vents


Sharks and rays belong to this subclass of Chondrichthyes. They have cartilage instead of a bones to make up their skeleton.

What are elasmobranchs


This is the name for the stinging organelles that coral, jellyfish, and sea anemone have

What are nematocysts 


These coastal forests and critical habitats that act as nurseries and protect from coasts from erosion. These trees have incredible roots that are both filters for brackish environments and have lenticels that act as "snorkels." They protrude into the air from a submerged seemingly entangled root system. The prop roots that extend from the tree down into the water.

What are mangroves


These whales hang vertically in the water column to sleep. They are the deepest diving whale species. They are a kind of toothed whale.

What are sperm whales