How many days Jesus spent in the wilderness
what is 40 days
This man came wearing a camel-hair garment and a leather belt around his waist, eating locusts and wild honey.
Who is John The Baptist?
What is the Jordan River
This parable teaches how to produce exponentialy
What is the parable of the sower
Jesus had a room with view during this healing
What is the man lowered from roof
number of people Jesus had in his inner circle
what is 12
These men were turned from fishermen to fishers of men
Who are Simon and Andrew?
This is the sea Jesus used to travel from city to city
what is the sea of galilee
This may be a small parable, but turns into something "Huuuggee"
What is parable of mustard seed
Jesus put this on silence
What is the sea
Amount of men that Jesus feed
what is 5,000
This man was responsible for John the Baptist's death
Who is King Herod?
Jesus was not accepted here
Where is Nazareth
This parable stands on firm ground
Parable of division
Jesus cast this into the pigs
what is the legion
Amount of loaves and fish that Jesus feed crowd with
what is 5 loaves and 2 fish
This tax collector was called to follow Jesus
Who is Levi?
This is where Jesus went to rest from Israel
Where is Tyre
This parable should be planted in your mind
What is the parable of the growing seed
This healing caused Jesus's power to go out of him
What is the touching of his garment
what is 4
These people questioned and criticized Jesus
Who are Pharisees and Scribes
Jesus was criticized for eating here
Where is Levi's house
Jesus uses parables to lead people to this
What is the secret of the kingdom of God
Jesus boot scootin boogied across this
what is the water