Where was Lebron drafted?
What is Cleveland?
What is the world's largest land animal
What is an Elephant
What is the ultimate gesture
What is Smile
Squid Game was originally made in what country
What is South Korea
Whats the name of the 2 presenters today
What is Mark and Jaxson
Whats the name of Lebron's daughter?
What is Zhuri?
What is the world's most abundant resource?
What is water
What does the p in the speak acronym stand for
What is people
What is the name of the main character in the show "You"
What is Joe Goldberg
Who is the best teacher at Walnut
What is Mr.Scudder
What year was Lebron the flag bearer for the United States at the Olympics?
What is 2024
Are there more lions or bison currently in the wild.
What is Lions
What does the S in stand stand for
What is situation
What is the name of the main black character in "On My Block"
What is Jamal Turner
Name 2 historically black colleges
What is Hampton, Howard, Famu, etc....
When is Lebron's Birthday?
What is December 30th
This Island off the coast of South America is the place that inspired Charles Darwin's theory of evolution
What is the Galapagos Islands
Name 2 of the 4 methods of communication
What is Verbal, Non verbal, Written, Listening
Name an Anime on Netflix
What is Naruto, HunterXHunter, etc...
How many hours of sleep should a teenager get
What is 10 hours
What is Lebron's playoff career high in points?
This south american capital is known for its famous festival and is lcoated on a bay.
What is Rio de Janeiro
Name all of the steps in the communication process
Sending Receiving Decoding Responding
Whats the most streamed show on Netflix
What is Stranger Things or Dahmer
What year was tiktok released on the app store
What is 2016