General Research and Stats
Crossfire Questions
Basic Debate Skills

What is an urban neighborhood?

An urban neighborhood is usually found in the downtown core of a city. These neighborhoods are not exclusive to any particular state but will always be found in the heart of a major metro area. In larger cities, the majority of homes may consist of apartment buildings, condos, and townhouses ...


Which two cities have had the housing stock on home prices driven up quickly?

San Francisco and Miami


NEG: Due to the already steep prices in urban neighborhoods, low income citizens are not able to afford houses close to the urban market and definitely won't be able to if market rates increased. 

*Respond with a rebuttal supporting the AFFIRMATIVE side of the debate

Open Response


PRO: Doesn't competition balance out prices, therefore countering the point of uncontrollable prices?

Open Response


What is a source?

A source is a paper, a person, or an article from which your evidence is derived. Usually provided through the name of the paper (e.g. The Independent UK stated that Saudi Arabia funded ISIS)


What is market rate?

The real price or cost of something, decided by a market rather than calculated or fixed, for example by a government a typical rate for something on a market at a particular time the price of something calculated in relation to what buyers are willing to pay at a particular time.


How much is the market rate expected to increase this year?



CON: If market rate housing will be in continuous use, prices will rise uncontrollably, making it harder for people to buy homes

Open Response

CON: How can you prioritize economic profit over the livelihoods of civilians?

*Respond supporting PRO

Open Response


What is the purpose of a good crossfire question?

To question the logic and validity of your opponents' arguments.


What is mortgage?

a legal agreement by which a bank or other creditor lends money at interest in exchange for taking title of the debtor's property, with the condition that the conveyance of title becomes void upon the payment of the debt.


How much affordable renting for under $800 has the United States lost since 1990?

2.5 million


PRO: Market rate housing actually funds affordable housing. Revenue would be funneled into a Housing Impact Trust Fund “to address the evolving and varied affordable housing needs of the city,” including the construction of new units deed restricted to tenants with qualifying incomes. The fees are expected to generate $75 million to $92 million per year.

Open Response


CON: Rent control is inefficient, but it keeps prices down and more affordable for the average house-buyer. 

Open Question


What is the difference between reasoning and evidence?

Reasoning is in YOUR OWN WORDS, and evidence in from YOUR SOURCE'S WORDS.


What kind of obligation does the word 'should' connote?


Approximately how many of California's lowest income households do not have access to affordable housing?

1.54 million


PRO: Market rate housing adheres to our values of capitalism, and the only countries without it are socialists. In a capitalist society, land and housing stock are treated as commodities, basic goods and services that can be bought, rented, and sold for a profit. And like all commodities under capitalism, it is the profit motive that rules the production and maintenance of housing. If we want universally affordable housing, we'd have to switch to a completely different governmental and economic system which goes against our values.

Open Response


PRO: Market rate housing encourages the building of more homes. Since low-income citizens will not be able to afford houses at the higher uncapped prices, the newer houses (which will be built and sold at a lower cost), will be bought, therefore supporting the buying of newly constructed houses.

Open Question


What is weighing?

A systematic approach to estimating the strengths and weaknesses of alternatives. It is used to determine options which provide the best approach to achieving benefits while preserving savings.

What is gentrification?

The process of renovating and improving a house or district so that it conforms to middle-class taste.


What is the market rate rise forecast for 2020?



NEG: Gentrification in communities leading to more segregation in neighborhoods. As the workforce is often driven away from urban centers into outlying, informal settlements. When the sense of community is weakened and segregation among economic groups grows, myriad social problems can result.

*Respond with a rebuttal supporting the AFFIRMATIVE side of this debate

Open Response


CON: Rising rent right now means that market rate housing becomes unaffordable in the long-term. Housing costs are climbing rapidly in neighborhoods all over Boston, and city living is now an idea that's out of reach for many young families who would otherwise prefer to remain. "As the core has become strong, the economy is attracting lots of young people," says Barry Bluestone, the Dukakis Center's director. "It's been driving up home prices, and a portion of working families have had to relocate."

Open Question


Order the following in the order of A-R-E:

* Economist Kenneth Pollack argues "Saudi Arabia and Iran have been fighting each other since the Iranian Revolution of 1979. We can look throughout all the conflicts of the Middle East since 1979 and trace these two countries as the benefactors of opposing sides. When big countries tug the strings of smaller countries, these countries tend to collapse, as shown in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Tunisia."

* Judge, as clearly shown in Iraq where Saudi Arabia funded 40,000 dollars worth of weapons to Sunni militias, while Iran funded the same to its Shia counterparts, the US was never able to replace the regime of Saddam Hussein, which is why Iraq is a failed state.

* Saudi Arabia acts against our national interests in the Middle East

* Saudi Arabia acts against our national interests in the Middle East

* Judge, as clearly shown in Iraq where Saudi Arabia funded 40,000 dollars worth of weapons to Sunni militias, while Iran funded the same to its Shia counterparts, the US was never able to replace the regime of Saddam Hussein, which is why Iraq is a failed state.

* Economist Kenneth Pollack argues "Saudi Arabia and Iran have been fighting each other since the Iranian Revolution of 1979. We can look throughout all the conflicts of the Middle East since 1979 and trace these two countries as the benefactors of opposing sides. When big countries tug the strings of smaller countries, these countries tend to collapse, as shown in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Tunisia."