This invention made cotton profitable by increasing the rate at which its seeds could be removed.
The cotton gin
These became into vast networks that allowed for goods to be transported long distances over land.
This group of people utilized slave labor to run their economic efforts in the cotton industry.
Plantation Owners
This inventor created the cotton gin, leading to profound economic increases in the Southern United States.
This invention used electricity to send coded messages through wires over long distances.
The telegraph
These vehicles allowed for the quick and cheap transportation of goods through rivers and canals.
This group of people exploited low-wage labor to employ their economic endeavors with little concern for their well-being or working hours.
Factory Owners
This American inventor was the first to make a widely adopted electrical telegraph and is credited with inventing it.
Samuel Morse
This invention provided power for everything from boats to trains to some factories.
The steam engine.
This man made waterway lowered the transportation costs between the East coast and the Midwest.
The Erie Canal
This President dismantled the Second Bank of the United States and caused an economic upheaval during the Market Revolution
Andrew Jackson
This governor advocated for the construction of the Erie Canal
Dewitt Clinton
This invention made the harvesting of crops semi-automatic and much more efficient.
The mechanical reaper.
This president largely contributed public infrastructure like roads and canals and also oversaw the establishment of the second national bank.
James Monroe
This vice president opposed the protective tariff of 1828 which would have promoted domestic manufacturing and advocated for states rights like South Carolina during the Nullification Crisis.
John C. Calhoun
This politician created a series of economic policies labeled the American system.
Henry Clay
This invention mechanized the process of weaving fabric, leading to great increases in textile production.
The power loom
This was the first railroad in not only the United States, but within North America.
The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
This American businessperson developed a labor system in which laborers like women would spend long hours in textile factories in unsanitary conditions.
Francis Cabot Lowell
This President passed the Divorce Bill of 1840, creating an independent treasury that took the government funds out of Andrew Jackson’s pet banks.
Martin Van Buren