When someone benefits even though they had nothing to do with the market activity
What is Positive Externality
This market means they cannot set the price for its products.
Perfect competition
what is the product name of monopolistic competition
Advertising creates brand loyalty. What does this give firms the power to do?
firms have the ability to raise the price of their goods/services and maintain customers.
When firms set prices in a cooperational manner
What is Collusion
What are the four types of Market Structure
Perfect competition - monopolistic - oligopoly-monopoly
Find the 2monopolies on the monopoly board.
What are: 1. Electrical Power 2. Water
an exclusive right to manufacture, use or sell
something for a specific period of time
What is a Patent
The harm, cost or inconvenience suffered by a 3rd party because of action by others
What is Negative Externality
This is a form of monopoly in which the gov't grants exclusive rights to 1 firm to provide a good or service.
What is a LEGAL monopoly
Large number of buyers and sellers
Buyers and Seller deal in identical products
Each buyer and seller acts independently
Buyers and sellers are well- informed about products and prices
Buyers and sellers are free to:
A. Conduct B. Enter into, and
C. Get out of business
What is the 5 major conditions that characterize Perfect Competition
Market structure with a few large sellers that dominate the industry
The philosophy that government should not interfere with commerce or trade
What is Laissez-faire
what type of market is characterized by many firms selling a differentiated product and easy entry
monopolistic competition
The market for water company
Inadequate Competition
Inadequate Information
Resource Immobility
Reasons for Market Failure
Market structure with one large firm running the industry
List 3 of the 5 conditions that must be present for perfect competition to exist
Large # of buyers and sellers, identical products, well informed, free to enter and leave business
___ describes the number and size distribution of firms in a given market
market structure