True or False: Different colors, hues, and tones bring up different associations that impact human mood and decision making.
Color psychology is research about how color affects human behavior and emotions. Different colors, hues, and tones bring up distinct associations that impact human mood and decision making. Color psychology can vary depending on personal preferences and culture.
This "P" is what your company sells, and it's ideally something that should fulfill an existing consumer demand.
What is product?
True or False: The marketing strategies stay the same throughout the entire product life cycle.
A successful product execution leads to market growth. This reduces costs and increases profits until the product reaches the decline stage.
By thoroughly understanding product life cycles, we can avoid/delay the decline stage and stretch the market maturity stage for products, thereby increasing profitability.
True or False: Propaganda works by using intellect and reason to persuade people.
It tries to create an emotional response and keep the viewer from actually thinking about the topic at hand.
Ms. Endencia's first name.
Who is Tessa?
Carl Jung Jung maintained that all humans have one dominant trait that leads to typical behavioral patterns, desires, values and motivations -- and that these archetypes can be seen throughout literature, mythology, and history.
Name at least two of these archetypes.
All or nothing.
This can be...
The Innocent
The Sage
The Explorer
The Outlaw
The Magician
The Hero
The Lover
The Jester
The Everyman
The Caregiver
The Ruler
The Creator
Product, placement, price, and promotion
When a new product is introduced to the market. Sales are low, and the company often incurs high costs due to heavy marketing and distribution expenses.
What is the introduction stage?
This type of marketing channel reaches audiences online via their computers or smart phones. These channels use newer technology, and it includes email, social media, digital ads, SEO, and SMS marketing.
What are digital marketing channels?
The name of Ms. Endencia's kid
Clarity, consistency, and coherence
Supply costs, seasonal discounts, and competition can affect the ___ of the product or service.
What is price?
At least two ways that a company might try to fight back against declines in sales in the decline stage.
What is...
- Phasing out a product
- Looking for ways to revitalize it
- Coming up with new releases
- DLC's (in video games)
- Sales/discounts (this isn't in the notes, btw)
Other ideas...?
This type of marketing channel has been around for decades, and it typically takes place offline. Includes radio, TV, print or physical ads, events, and word of mouth.
What are traditional marketing channels?
What is...
Published Writer (25), Marketing Manager (26), and/or Digital Marketing Strategist (26 - 28)?
There are four dimensions of tone of voice... you can get 100 points for every dimension you name (up to 400 points).
Formal vs Casual
Serious vs Funny
Respectful vs Irreverent
Matter-of-fact vs Enthusiastic
Components of the promotion mix.
Direct/personal selling
Sales promotion
Public relations
This stage is characterized by stable sales, slowing growth, intense competition, market saturation, emphasis on cost control, and product differentiation.
What is the maturity stage?
Techniques used to influence opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior.
What is propaganda?
Name one of Ms. Endencia's non-marketing job titles.
What is...
Movie Theater Attendant (age 17), Bus Person (18), Hostess (18), Barista (18), Customer Service Representative (19 - 20), Administrative Assistant (20 - 21), Finance Coordinator (21 - 22), Senior Finance Coordinator (22 - 23), and/or Finance Manager (23 - 26)?
A brand audit covers these three areas.
What is internal branding, external branding, and customer experience?
How do the 4P’s all integrate to work together?
A promotion mix is a set of different marketing approaches marketers develop to optimize promotional efforts and reach a broader audience. The marketer’s task is to find the right marketing mix for a particular brand.
All the different products/services that a business offers to meet needs of markets and achieve goals.
What is the product mix?
A marketing strategy where businesses focus on potential or current customer segments most likely to purchase their products or brands.
What is target marketing?
The number of times Ms. Endencia switched her major before finally getting her Bachelors Degree.
Five times.
(Addiction Counseling, Human Services, Hospitality, Business, and finally graduating with a degree in English Rhetoric/Technical Writing... pro tip: community colleges are great if you don't know what you want to major in.)