Coke Career
Coke Facts
Coke History

This team member enjoys long walks on the beach, relaxing on the golf course, and dabbling in the martial art of Jujitsu in their spare time.

Who is Scott Gaston?


This team member has had the privilege of taking on three different roles in the same amazing team and has even been quoted saying that they could not imagine being on a better team.

Who is Griffin Weller?


This artist was seeing “Red” when signing up for a Diet Coke endorsement deal in 2012. This artist is also one of the biggest celebrity reps in the Diet Coke “Era”!

Who is Taylor Swift?


Coca Cola Inventor sold the rights to Coca-Cola to _____, who expanded the business and made it a global leader in the beverage industry.

Who is Asa Griggs Candler?


This person was the inventor of Coca-Cola, which was introduced as a medicinal tonic to relieve headaches.

Who is John S. Pemberton?


This team member could think of no better meal than a hot and fresh pizza with a cold Coke Zero.

Who is Ginger Hamilton?


This team member has had by far the shortest career with the Company, joining us in October 2021.

Who is Susana Diaz?


This artist was one of the faces of the “Kissed By” campaign to commemorate the 100 years of Coca-Cola. Some may even refer to him as the King of Pop (but not necessarily soda pop).

Who is Elvis?


This country drinks the most Coca-Cola annually.

Where is Mexico?


This was the first ever slogan used to describe Coca-Cola.

What is Delicious and Refreshing?


This team member loves to travel the world and has even been known to do so on elephant back.

Who is Nico Tommasini?


This team member has been referred to as the “media queen” in her more recent role.

Who is Lori Caruso?


This NBA superstar ended his 18 year relationship with the Coca-Cola Company when deciding to jump ship to our competitor in 2018.

Who is Lebron James?


This American businessman once said, “If you gave me $100 billion and said take away the soft drink leadership of Coca-Cola in the world, I'd give it back to you and say it can't be done.”

Who is Warren Buffett?


This is the year that Coke was launched into outer space (hint it is the same year “New Coke” was launched into America).

What is 1985?


This team member came to us all the way from the biggest South American futebol powerhouse of Brazil and can be found in their spare time enjoying a cup of coffee while hanging with Axel, Riley, Sven and Alden.

Who is Jess Dias?


This team member has gone “global” during their time with the Company. Their audit team adventures even lead them to Giza’ing at one of the seven wonders of the world.

Who is Morgan Rowe?


"The Queen of Tejano" Latina artist was the face of Coca-Cola during the 80's until her unfortunate death in 1995.

Who is Selena?


Coca-Cola was the first commercial sponsor of this worldwide sporting event games in 1928.

What is the Olympics?


Coca Cola's first commercial ever ran on this American Holiday.

What is Thanksgiving?


This team member is not only a world traveler, but also a well-versed stateside traveler having visited 47 states and US territories. They have also been known to go looking for Nemo in the deep blue sea taking advantage of their scuba diving skills.

Who is Nicole Floody?


This team member is fluent in two languages and has held roles with the Company in two different countries (both of which have a Disneyland!)  

Who is Christie Chen?


This professional athlete is a Texas native and can be found competing on tour targeting birdies, eagles, and albatrosses all while supporting the Coca-Cola brand.

Who is Jordan Spieth?


The name Coca-Cola refers to these two original ingredients.

What is kola nuts and coca leaves.


This is the year that Coca-Cola bought Glaceau for ~$4 billion, benefiting rapper Curtis Jackson by a little more than his stage name 50 Cent.

What is 2007?