Are antibiotic free labels currently approved by the USDA?
Do most weight loss claims work?
Why are consumers afraid of GMO food?
The technology modifying the food is not understood by consumers and the scientists do not let the consumers know what a GMO is.
What neurological disease do the chemicals that are sprayed on organic crops cause?
What are three examples of marketing ploys?
Antibiotic free, weight loss claims, organic, non-GMO, cage free, low fat, sugar free, gluten free
What is the meaning of antibiotic free food labels?
There is no clear meaning
When are weight loss claims the most popular?
around the New Year
What is the non-GMO project?
A nonprofit organization that protects a non-gmo food supply through consumer education
Compared to conventional farming what percent less yield does organic farming have?
Which marketing ploy do consumers fall for most?
Weight loss claim
Can animals contain antibiotic resistant bacteria?
What did the FDA discover in hundreds of dietary supplement?
potential harmful drugs or chemicals
What percent of people are not confident in what GMOs are?
What Greenhouse Gas is released into the atmosphere when organic farmers cultivate between rows?
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
What is a marketing ploy?
A clever tactic used by marketers to raise profit