the process of a particular content item becoming widely popular rapidly by multiple people sharing it.
what is viral
A conversation between 2 or more people streamed live for viewers to watch on real time
What is podcast
the actual number of unique people who access a particular content item, such as an advertisement.
what is reach
Online, sites, or apps that allow us to interact and use two-ways communication between the publisher and the user.
what is social media
the number of times a piece of content is displayed.
what is impression
the potential audience for a piece of content; the total number of your followers plus the number of followers for each person who shares the content.
what is exposer
the number of places a particular content number is available
what is distribution
1 way communication methods in which the publisher creates content and sends that content to the end-user via the media source.
what is traditional media
a word or keyword phrase preceded by a hash symbol
what is hashtag
the quality or characteristic of something that makes it possible to approach, enter, or use it
what is accessibility
the state or quality of lasting or remaining unchanged indefinitely.
what is permanence
the number of times a person is exposed to an advertisement
what is frequency
information about your ad that is not visible to the user, but is used by social media or the website to understand the content and context of your ad
what is Meta data
a vision about an extension of the existing World Wide Web, which provides software programs with machine-interpretable metadata of the published information and data
what is semantic web
organisations, websites, or software applications that collect information from different sources and consolidate it in one place
what is aggressor
doesn't have a predefined data model or structure
what is Unstructured data
the use of video content created, distributed, and viewed in real-time
what is live stream
a broadcast over the web, used to produce meetings, events, and workshops.
what is webcast
a constant text and rich-content specialized device among individuals through a product application
what is instant messaging
a specific sampling technique that involves multiple levels or layers of sampling within a population
what is nested data
enables you to create relationships with shoppers through real-time messaging between the client and the representative.
what is live chat
a programming language that runs in browsers. It provides interactivity to websites, real-time content updates, and animation options
what is javascript
an acronym which is used to refer to an open source programming solution for developing web applications and dynamic websites
what is ajax
using a social handle or username of a person or business in your post or photo
what is tags
Content developers use this language with a variety of forms of content, including text, audio, and visual in order to allow users to define their own elements and pull the data at their pace.
what is XML