What can you try for lunch at the Taling Chan Floating Market?
For lunch you can try traditional Thai dishes.
What can people watch from their table?
People can watch the boats from their table.
When does the market La Merced open?
It opens daily 5 a.m.-7 p.m.
What is the best place in the world to eat fresh fish?
It is Kauppatori Market in Finland.
What does the dish Tom yum goong mean?
It means a spicy soup with a hot, strong taste.
What country is this market in?
This market is located in Finland.
What are main ingredients of quesadillas?
Cheese and thin bread
Where can people try street food inside?
People can try street food inside at La Merced market in Mexico city.
What time do you need to meet your tour guide?
Meet your tour guide at 11a.m.
Who wrote an email to Sam?
Ann wrote a letter to Sam.
Is La Merced inside or outside market?
La Merced is inside a huge building.
When is the floating market available?
It is available only at the weekend.
Do you go to the floating market by bus?
Yes, you do.
How many food stalls has got the market?
The market's got around thirty food stalls.
Which metro line do you need to go to La Merced?
Line 1
It is easy to get lost here.
La Merced market in Mexico City.
Where is the Taling Chan Floating Market located?
It is in Bangkok, Thailand.
What is better than fast food?
Grilled salmon with potatoes is better than fast food.
What is the main focus of La Merced?
The main focus is food.
Where can you hear about the history of the area?
You can hear about the history of the area at the Taling Chan Floating Market.