Name That Term!
Text Types
Techniques and Goals
Another word for a problem or issue. The events in a story surround this: a central _________.


When the author TELLS about a character using adjectives and specific trait words, they are using _______ characterization. 

Direct or Indirect?



A type of text that tells a story is a ________



What technique is used in this excerpt?

"I can't take much more." Johnny spoke my own feelings. "I'll kill myself or something." 

"Don't," I said, sitting up in alarm. "You can't kill yourself, Johnny." 

"Well, I won't. But I gotta do something. It seems like there's gotta be someplace without greasers or Socs, with just people. Plain ordinary people." 

A) Inner-Thinking

B) Description/Sensory details

C) Dialogue

D) Flashforward

C) Dialogue: a conversation between two or more characters


What is this called?

(Hinton 33).

A citation.


A strategy that writers use to make their story come to life is called a narrative __________.

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Give 2 examples.



When an author SHOWS about a character using STEAL: speech, thoughts, effects on others, actions, and looks as evidence to help us make an inference about characters' traits.

Direct or Indirect Characterization?



A short retelling of the main points is called a _____.



What type of figurative language is shown in the following excerpt?

Johnny was scared of his own shadow after that. Johnny was sixteen then. 

A) Simile

B) Hyperbole

C) Alliteration

D) Onomatopoeia

B) Hyperbole: An extreme exaggeration


Make an inference about Two-Bit based on the following evidence:

"Shut your mouth, kid. If you wasn't Soda's kid brother I'd beat the tar out of you. 

You know better than to talk to Johnny like that." He put his hand on Johnny's shoulder. 

"He didn't mean it, Johnny." 

Various answers acceptable. Teacher will determine. 


A type of narrative that tells about a chunk of time in the author's life where they experienced conflict and either learned something about life or themselves.



What is the DIRECT characterization in this quote?

I thought of Sylvia and Evie and Sandy and Two-Bit's many blondes. They were the only kind of girls that would look at us, I thought. Tough, loud girls who wore too much eye makeup and giggled and swore too much.

Tough, loud


True or False: A memoir is a fictional story. For example, when we rewrite the ending of another author's story.

False: memoirs are TRUE stories about a time period in the author's life who writes them.


A narrative goal is the purpose for using a technique: it's WHY an author does something.

What narrative goal is accomplished here?

Darry is six-feet-two, and broad-shouldered and muscular. He has dark-brown hair that kicks out in front and a slight cowlick in the back--- just like Dad's--- but Darry's eyes are his own. He's got eyes that are like two pieces of pale blue-green ice. They've got a determined set to them, like the rest of him. He looks older than twenty--- tough, cool, and smart. He would be real handsome if his eyes weren't so cold. He doesn't understand anything that is not plain hard fact. But he uses his head. 

A) Create the setting

B) Build Suspense

C) Introduce the characters

D) Show the character's motivation

C) Introduce the characters


Create a simile that shows how big something is.

Various answers acceptable. Teacher will determine.

When we make inferences about a character's traits by using STEAL (Speech, Thoughts, Effect on Others, Actions, Looks). This is called _____________.

Indirect Characterization


What part of STEAL is used here?

Cherry and Marcia shook their heads at his offering of cigarettes, but Johnny and I reached for one. 



A piece of text taken out of a larger text is called a ______.



This is the official name of the technique used when the author paints a picture for the reader by describing how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, or sounds.

Sensory details


Name 3 characteristics of a memoir

Various acceptable answers:


-about a time in your life

-has a theme

-has a conflict

-has a plot

-uses a variety of narrative techniques to achieve a variety of goals


Fill in the blanks:

___________ is the author's attitude towards a subject they are writing about. __________ is how you feel when you read, watch, or listen to something.

Tone; Mood


Which character trait would best be inferred about Ponyboy from the following evidence?

She didn't say anything else and I was glad. I couldn't tell her that Soda had bawled all night long after they came and got Mickey Mouse. I had cried, too, if you want to know the truth, because Soda never really wanted anything except a horse, and he'd lost his. 

Various answers acceptable:






What type of text is The Outsiders?

A) memoir

B) realistic fiction 

C) science fiction

D) autobiography

Realistic fiction


What narrative goal is accomplished in this excerpt?

Marcia suddenly gasped. "Cherry, look what's coming." 

We all looked and saw a blue Mustang coming down the street. Johnny made a 
small noise in his throat and when I looked at him he was white. 

Marcia was shifting nervously. "What are we going to do?" 

Cherry bit a fingernail. "Stand here," she said. "There isn't much else we can do."

A) Introduce the characters

B) Create the Setting

C) Show the Resolution

D) Build Suspense

D) Build suspense


What narrative goal is achieved here? Explain.

"Big time Socs, all right," I said, a nervous bitterness growing inside me. It wasn't fair for the Socs to have everything. We were as good as they were; it wasn't our fault we were greasers. I couldn't just take it or leave it, like Two-Bit, or ignore it and love life anyway, like Sodapop, or harden myself beyond caring, like Dally, or actually enjoy it, like Tim Shepard. I felt the tension growing inside of me and I knew something had to happen or I would explode. 

Teacher will determine validity of answer.