Cause and Effect
Point of View
A character that undergoes a drastic change is called...
Cause or Effect: Which happens first?
What are the four types of point of view?
First Second Third Limited Third Omniscient
What is theme?
possible answers: main idea, central message, moral, lesson
What is an inference? a) An educated guess based on what the character says and does, your own knowledge, and your personal experiences. b) When an author uses characterization to describe how a character feels, what a character looks like, and what a character says and does c) Dynamic, Static, Flat, Round, Protagonist, and Antagonist d) The moral or lesson of a story
a) An educated guess based on what the character says and does, your own knowledge, and your personal experiences.
A character that remains the same throughout a story is called...
What was an effect of Scrooge's transformation? a) The spirits showed him scenes from his life that made him decide to make a change for the better. b) He became more generous. c) He adopted Tiny Tim. d) He was a miserable old miser and avery greedy man.
b) He became more generous.
First, Second, Third Limited, or Third Omniscient? Carlos went to the mall to buy some new Jordan's with some money he got for his birthday. On his way there, he saw a homeless man on the side of the road. This made him feel sad for the man and greedy about spending all that money on a pair of shoes. He decided to go to the grocery store instead and use the money to buy food for the local homeless shelter. He felt much better after he did this.
Third Limited
What is the theme? Jake was having a lot of trouble understanding the concepts taught in Science. Every grade he got was worse than the last. He decided to stay after school to get help from the teacher and asked his best friend, a boy that always got As in Science, to help him study for tests. Slowly, but surely, he started to improve his grade. He brought his D- up to a B+ and he plans to work even harder next marking period to bring his B+ up to an A.
possible answers: Never give up, Hard work and determination, see teacher for other acceptable answers
Juan is standing outside. He is shivering and his teeth are chattering. You can infer that Juan is...
A _______________________ is the hero in the story. This is the character that you want to root for while reading the story.
What caused Scrooge's change?
The visits from the Christmas Spirits - They showed him scenes from his life that made him decide to make a change for the better.
First, Second, Third Limited, or Third Omniscient? I am trying to decide what case would be the best for my new Samsung Galaxy S6. I am not sure if I should get a leather case with a slot for my credit card and license or if I should opt for the plastic case with a stylish pattern. I am going to make a decision today and purchase a cover for my cell phone to protect it from damage.
What is the theme? Tanisha was a very quiet student who kept to herself. Amanda thought that Tanisha's silence was weird and she thought she wore funny clothes. Amanda was very mean to Tanisha. She would always make mean faces at her and whisper rude comments to her as they passed in the hallway. She told all the kids at school not to hang out with her. One day, Tanisha was absent form school. Then, the next day she was absent. And the next. Amanda found out from her teachers that Tanisha's parents wanted to inform everyone that she has a terrible illness and is in the hospital. She had been fighting this illness for a little over a year now and it started to get worse recently. Amanda felt so bad for bullying Tanisha. She had no idea what was going on in Tanisha's life or why she was so quiet all the time. Amanda wished she could take back all of the rude things she said to her...
Everyone is fighting their own battle you know nothing about. Be kind. See teacher for other acceptable answers.
Mom walked into the kitchen to put the grocery bags down on the counter when she noticed shattered glass from the picture window all over the living room floor and a baseball not far from there. "I'm going to ground you, Tommy!" Mom yelled to herself as she realized that Tommy's shoes were gone. What happened to the window?
Tommy hit it with a baseball.
The person who struggles against the main character in a story is known as the ___________________. This is the character who is often the bad guy in the story.
Name an effect that Dirk had on Gary.
Dirk made him feel safe, the bullies stopped bothering him, etc. See teacher for possible correct answers.
First, Second, Third Limited, or Third Omniscient? It is important to take time for yourself. You probably get stressed out from school and exhausted from drama with family and friends. Sometimes, it is hard to find time to dedicate to yourself, but if you can set aside just five minutes each day for yourself, you will start to feel happier. You might set aside five minutes before school, after school, or before you go to bed. During this five minutes, turn off your electronics, as they can add to the stress and drama. Read a book, watch the sunset, or just concentrate on your breathing. This is not a perfect fix, but it is one step closer to a happier, healthier, calmer you.
Match the story to the theme: A Christmas Carol, Retrieved Reformation, Thank You M'am Honesty is the best policy People can change Compassion and forgiveness
A Christmas Carol - Compassion and forgiveness Retrieved Reformation - Honesty is the best policy Thank You M'am - People can change
You are a high school student sitting in class when a substitute teacher walks in and announces that your regular teacher is ill. Everyone in the class including you erupts in applause. The substitute raps his knuckles on the desk for order, but the students ignore him and talk louder. What can you infer about today’s class and why did you make that inference?
The students are taking advantage of the substitute (the students ignore him and talk louder). See teacher for other acceptable answers.
Two part question. You must get both correct in order to earn the points. Part 1: A character that has only one or two character traits Part 2: A three dimensional character that has many character traits
Part 1: FLAT Part 2: ROUND
What caused Jimmy Valentine/ Ralph D. Spencer to become a better person and stop robbing banks?
He fell in love with a wonderful girl
First, Second, Third Limited, or Third Omniscient? Ahna and Averie went to the movies with Ahna's mother. Ahna's mother was prepared to buy the kids popcorn, soda, and candy to make their movie-going experience spectacular. She was very excited to do this. Averie felt bad that her friend's mom was spending so much money on her. When she told Ahna about her feelings, Ahna asked her mom if she and Averie could just get two small sodas and a large popcorn to share. Ahna's mother was impressed with the girls' maturity and understanding. They ordered a large popcorn and small sodas and everyone had a wonderful time at the movies.
Third Omniscient
Write a very short story that teaches a theme. Tell what the theme is.
teacher will approve answers.
When you have to make an inference, did the author likely use direct characterization or indirect characterization?
Indirect Characterization