Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V

Who owns 2/3rds of the property in New York? Patriots or Loyalists

Loyalists (p. 7)


Who was the first elected governor of a free republic under a written constitution in the history of the world?

Patrick Henry (p. 151)


How did Elsa get to America?

She rode on the ships with the Hessian soldiers. (p. 279)


What was the name of the fake trading company used by Beaumarchais?

Rodrigue Hortalez and Company (p. 387)


Whose likeness did the French put on everything from ladies gloves to engravings?

Ben Franklin (p. 542)


Who hatched the plan in New York to assassinate George Washington?

Governor William Tryon (p. 19)


Who was the colonial leader at Fort Sullivan?

Colonel William Moultrie (p. 161)

How did the British surprise attack the Patriots on Staten Island?

They found out that the Jamaica Pass was left undefended so they were able to go around and come up behind the Patriots. (p. 309)


Who was the American spy who appointed and paid young French soldiers to go fight for the Patriots?

Silas Deane (p. 399)


What ended up in Lafayette's garden in Versailles?

The statue Libertas (p. 547)


What was the motto of the Life Guards?

Conquer or Die (p. 9)


Why did the British lose at Fort Sullivan?

The ships were stuck in the shoals. (p. 160)

With a little help from Clarie and the dolphins!


What were the brave soldiers from Maryland who were killed at the Old Stone House and retreat from Staten Island called?

The Immortals (p. 324)

Which Frenchman schemed to go to America to become the Commander-in-Chief instead of George Washington?

Charles Francois de Broglie (p. 413)


How will Lafayette be able to escape to America?

He will have to buy his own ship. (p. 554)


Who was the primary architect of the Virginia Declaration of Rights?

George Mason (p. 78)


Which Life Guard betrayed George Washington and was hanged?

Thomas Hickey (p. 175)


What was "The Turtle"?

A man-made submersible barrel operated by a human sitting in side used to affix a powder keg to Admiral Howe's ship. (p. 345)


What was the name of the play written by Beaumarchais, and what was the name of the main character that was used to reference Beaumarchais?

Le Barbier de Seville, Barber of Seville, Figaro (p. 419)


Which British general has poor interpersonal skills and is politically weak, but is the most experienced and strategic thinker of the Three-Headed Dog?

Clinton (p. 566)


Who revealed the sinister plot to kill George Washington?

Isaac Ketchum (pgs. 124-126)


How did Henry Knox, Joseph Reed, and Samuel Webb respond to the letter given to them for George Washington, Esquire? Why?

"We have no person in our army with that address."

They refused to accept it because it was not titled to General George Washington. (p. 246-247)


Who was the Patriot spy who was sent to Long Island, caught, and executed?

Nathan Hale (p. 359-362)


Where was General Charles Lee captured? 

Widow White's Tavern, New Jersey (p. 463)


What is a lettre de cachet, and who issued it?

An arrest order (for Lafayette), issued by the King of France. (p. 584)