You be the judge
Marriage Contract
prohibited Marriages
Requirments of a Mariage
What is Having more than one spouse?
Vadim Petrenko asks Lada Nureyev to marry him and presents her with a diomond engagement ring. Lada accepts. Lada cancels the Engagement. Vadim Threatens ti sue for breach of contract. My he do so?
What is no, Most states passed a statute where suits can no longer be brought for breach of marriage.
A personal Relationship between a man and a women, but it is also a civil contract that comes into existance when you become engaged.
What is Marriage
States prohibit marriages with people related by blood.
What is the definition of consanguinity
In these two states you can be married at age 18 without parents consent.
What is the states Missisippi and Nebraska.
What is a ceremony officiated by a cleric or magistrate?
Briggitts samuels wants to marry her uncle, Raynard Prost. Will their marriage be valid? What will be the legal status of any children of the marriage?
What is illegal and void, and any children born of the marriage would be illegitimite.
When the couple is engaged
What is the executory stage
States porhibit marriages between certian people related by Marriage.
What is the definition of Affinity
No wittness's required, and the agreement could be either oral or written.
What is Common Law Marriage
What is a person related by blood?
Tsong Lee, 22, wants to marry Mei-Gui Yan, 14. They both live in Massachusetts. Mei-Gui's parents refuse to give permission for the marriage. Can the couple legallly Marry? WHy or why not?
What is No, becuase of the law in Massachusetts that says Mei-Guis parents, and probate court judge must give permission.
If one of the parties failed to go through with marriage after becoming engaged, the other party could sue for damages.
What is the common law
Thwe act of having two spouses at the same time
What is the definition of Bigamy
An element the common law marriage requires.
What is parties must agree by words in present tebse, that they are husbund and wife, or Parties must cohabit, and live together
What is a person related by marriage related by?
Five years after Carlos Soledad and Novia Chavez marry, Novia discovers that Carlos never divorced gus first wifs, who is living and still uses the surname Soledad. Is the marriage between Carlos and Novia valid?
What is No, Marriage that takes place while either party is void. Known as Bigamy,or having two spouses at the same time which is illegal.
When the law gives both husbund and wife new rights and duties, which are intended to provide protection to both parties.
What is changing your lagal status
Act of having more than two spouses at once.
What is the definition of Polygamy
Most states require a ceremony that cpuld only be officiated by a cleric or magistrate.
What is to Solemnize a Marriage
What is the state of having two wives or husbunds at the same time?
Michelle Weibel was married ti Albert Weibel for 12 years. Several years after Albert's death in an automobile accident, Michelle received a marriage proposal from Albert's widowed stepfather, Terry. Is michelle free to marry Terry?
What is Depending on the state law, a marriage between Michelle and Terry might not me legal due to affinity
A right given by law when you marry
What is the right to support by your souse when necessary
When certain type of marriages are illegal becuase they are opposed to public policy
What is the definition of Prohibited Marriages
A certificate issued by a government office taht gives permission to two people to marry.
What is A marriage License