Miscellaneous LDS Trivia
Family History

An everlasting covenant between a man, a woman and God?

What is Temple Marriage?


Families can be together ______.

What is forever


The first book in the Old Testament?

What is Genesis


How often should I journal?

What is everyday. 


Who would we ask for help in our ward with Family History? 

Who is; Sister Sandy Ross, and Sister Dusty Medina


What was the purpose Adam and Eve's Fall? (2nd Nephi 2:25)

What is; that man might be and might have everlasting joy.


What program was created by Prophet Joseph F. Smith in 1915?

Family Home Evening


Where was the first modern day Temple built?

What is Kirtland, Ohio


What is journaling?

Recording the events in our lives to remember, to be a reminder of our testimony, and to teach our posterity. 


What is the LDS website that we can use to work on family history?


The first commandment that God gave Adam and Eve? (Genesis 1:28)

What is ; Multiply and replenish the Earth


What was needed for God's plan to thrive; 1) Creation of the Earth 2)The fall of Adam and Eve (mortality) 3)The Atonement (redemption rom the Fall) 4)The family (setting for physical birth) 5)All of the above

What is #5


Which of the following is true about communication: 1) 10% is what we say 2) 40% is how we say it 3) 50% is our body language 4) all of the above

What is # 4


How will keeping a journal benefit my posterity?(Alma 37: 8-9)

To learn from the experiences and mistakes that were made and to bring joy. 


What is the spirit of Elijah? 

What is a distinctive influence of the Holy Ghost that draws people to identify, document, and cherish their ancestors and family members – both past and present.


What is the strongest shape that can take the most pressure and what is the significance behind it?

What is a triangle and a successful marriage that is based on honoring the covenants that were made as man and wife with Heavenly Father. 


What as a family can you do to strengthen your bond every day? 

What is pray and read scriptures together?


Which President dedicated the Salt Lake Temple on April 6, 1893?

Who is President Wilford Woodruff


"Those who keep a book of remembrance are more likely to keep the ____ in remembrance in their daily lives." President Spencer W. Kimball 

Who is the Lord?


Why is family history so important to us?

Any acceptable answer :) 


According to the video we listened to from President Uchtdorf; what does it take to make a marriage last and become each others soulmate?



Why does the Church focus so much on families?(True to the Faith page 34)

The family is the fundamental unit in the Church, and home is the most important place for gospel learning. No other organization can take the place of the family. Even as the Church continues to grow, its purpose will always be to support and strengthen families and individuals in their efforts to live the gospel.


How many years from the organization of the Church was the Salt lake Temple dedicated?

What is 63 years to the day: April 6th 1830 the Church was formally and legally organized, and April 6th 1893 the Salt Lake Temple is dedicated by Wilford Woodruff. 


"A young father began a daily tradition. Each night, no matter how tired or busy he was, he would pick up a pen and write down a short passage about his day. With just a few simple sentences, he recorded the ways he’d seen God’s hand bless him and his family that day." 

Who did this?                                                       (October 2007 'O Remember, Remember')

Who is President Henry B. Eyering


500 points for everyone on the team who has done family history, genealogy, or participated in temple work in some way. 
