What do we call the anniversary to celebrate 50 years of marriage?
Golden Wedding
Which US president got married in the White House?
Grover Cleveland
What legal document can be changed to the married name even before the wedding?
According to Jewish tradition, what does a married couple break at their wedding?
A Glass
How long were Lucille Ball & Desi Arnaz married?
20 years
After a wedding, why do people toss confetti?
To represent fertility
During the Revolutionary War in the 18th century, some brides wore which colour in the United States to symbolise independence?
White wedding dresses were popularised by which British queen?
According to a tradition originated in West Africa, which household object can a married couple jump over at their wedding?
A broom
How long were Ronald & Nancy Regan married?
52 years
Who should get the first toast at a wedding?
The bride
The custom of the bridal shower began when which member of the bridal party did not approve of the wedding?
Father of the Bride
What is a popular 3 word phrase that means “getting married”?
Tie the knot
According to an old tradition, what should a Scottish bride do on the day before the wedding?
Wash the feet
As of January 2022, how many Married & First Sight Couples are still married?
By tradition, why does the groom stand to the right of the bride?
To free the right hand to protect the bride
In old English, what does “bride” mean?
What is considered bad luck for the bride and groom to do before the wedding?
See each other
People often throw what at married couples in Northern Africa to wish for fertility?
At her wedding, Melania Trump wore a $100,000 gown designed by who?
Christian Dior
Many married couples often freeze which part of the wedding cake for the first anniversary?
Top tier
According to old superstition, which month is often considered bad luck to hold a wedding as an old superstition
Who is the goddess of marriage in Greek mythology?
What is the responsibility of the best man at a Greek wedding?
To pay for the liquor
How long have Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson been married?
28 years