What is the minimum credits you need to graduate from Marshall High School
A semester long class is typically worth ________credit
0.5 credit, 1/2 credit
A degree awarded by a college or university after completion of academic program of approximately 120 credit hours or 4 years of postsecondary schooling is called.
What is a bachelor's degree?
What to do if you have an issue and need support
Ask for help from a teacher, counselor, principal, or other trusted adult
True or False: When you fail a class you can take credit recovery
How many years of math or English will you have to take in high school to graduation
If I fail a class I will earn ______ credits for that class
What is a degree awarded by community colleges, technical schools and some universities after completion of a program of approximately 60 credit hours
What is an associate degree
Term for setting aside time to review notes and concepts from class
Which college cost more; a public college or university or a private college or university?
Name one math class that will not typically count towards your math graduation requirement
Pre-Algebra, Basic Math, Computer math
How do you earn credit?
Get a passing grade (Grades A, B, or C)
High school courses that count toward high school graduation requirements and earn college credit hours are called
This is important because it ensures that you are not missing any class time and that you are not missing important concepts and units in class
Good Attendance
Name one way high school can help you prepare for your career choice/ college
Take classes in interesting subjects, take college credit classes, get good grades, exposure during college/career fairs, etc.
Name the two mandatory social studies classes that will count for graduation
American History, Government
What does GPA stand for?
Grade Point Average
This is a two year school hat offers associate degrees and workforce certification program.
Using this can help students keep track of assignments
Staying organized: Planner, Calendar, electric Calendar, Notebook, phone reminders, etc.
If you are a virtual learner and having a hard time staying focused, name one thing you can do?
If I met my 3 science credits required for graduation and I take another science class. This credit will count as my _________ credit.
What does CTE stand for
Career and Technical Education
Length of time that a grade is earned (typically within 6 weeks)
What is a benefit of living at home when you are in college?
You don't have to pay rent
When is the best time to start planning for life after high school