Project 4.1
Nuclear Testing
People Involved
U.S. Government
To this day

'tests' - or a "secret medical study that involved the experimentation on Marshallese people without their knowledge or consent”

What is Project 4.1?


Rongelap, Bikini atoll

What is the atoll where nuclear testing was conducted?


continue the testing on the badly exposed islanders and send them back to Rongelap

What is the role of Dr. Conard after the bomb test?


hide more of the horrors they induced with Project 4.1

What is why the U.S. government censored documents about the bombing?


still radioactive

What is Rongelap?


evaluate the severity of radiation injury to human beings exposed and show other countries that they had more of these atomic bombs

What is the reason behind Project 4.1 being conducted?


Forced relocation, burns, birth defects, and various cancers

What is the long-term effects of radiation on the Marshallese people?


dehumanized, lab rats/savages

What is how doctors viewed the Marshallese people after the bombing?


refusal to speak with him and asked him to turn his camera off

What is how the U.S. government officials spoke to the narrator when he was trying to interview them?


equivalent to 1.6 Hiroshima shots every day for 12 years

What is the comparison between this bombing and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima?


land, water, and air contamination along with long term radiation

What are some 'environmental consequences' of Project 4.1?


we know the island where we're sending islanders back to is contaminated, but it would be interesting to see the ecological radiation data on these human beings

What is what was said during the secret meeting in Washington?


pay them money, send a speaker to have them feel proud

What is how the U.S. tried to remedy the situation?


testing of strategic weapons in the Marshall Islands, which have been the bullseye for intercontinental nuclear missiles from Vandenberg AFB in California since 1960

What is the current testing still going on in the Kwajalein Atoll?


women's severe child defects "jelly children", cancer, diseases

What are some 'human consequences' of Project 4.1?


show that they were guilty and knew what they did was wrong so they decided to paint it as an accident although it was purposeful

What is the significance of adding “accidentally” to the final report produced on Project 4.1?