Karate Fun Time
The word "aikido" is formed of three kanji: 合-気-道 What does each Kanji stand for?
合 – ai – joining, unifying, combining, fitting 気 – ki – spirit, energy, mood, morale 道 – dō – way, path

Karate training is commonly divided into?

kihon (basics or fundamentals), kata (forms), and kumite (sparring).

Nage waza include all techniques in which tori attempts to throw or trip uke, usually with the aim of placing uke on his back. Each technique has three distinct stages?
Kuzushi, the initial balance break. Tsukuri, the act of turning in and fitting into the throw. Kake, the execution and completion of the throw.
Kenjutsu (剣術) is the umbrella term for all (koryū) schools of Japanese swordsmanship, in particular those that predate the?
Meiji Restoration
1 Member from your Team name and perform 3 Push-ups Techniques.
Knuckle Push-ups, Knife Hands, Spider Stance, Palm Push-ups, and Praying Stance
Name at Least 4 Exotic Weapons still used in Tai Chi?
the large dadao and podao sabres; the ji, or halberd; the cane; the sheng biao, or rope dart; the sanjiegun, or three sectional staff; the feng huo lun, or wind and fire wheels; the lasso; the whip, chain whip and steel whip.
Show me Self Defense Technique #5.
Let Victor show you how it's really done.
True or False. Judo practiced with and without weapons. It is based on the principle of between hard and soft. It includes training of the body as well as the mind. It uses force and reaction of the opponent.
Swordsmanship refers to the skills of a swordsman, a person versed in the art of the sword. The term is modern, and as such was mainly used to refer to?
Smallsword fencing.
Fudo Dachi- Normal Stance, Heiko Dachi- Parallel Stance, and Sanchin Dachi- Three-Point Stance
Name the 3 Stances in Japanese.
What element match each of these descriptions. Like an axe chopping down and over. Drilling forward diagonally. Like two waves crashing into each other. Like an arrow shot directly forward. Exploding outward like a cannonball, while covering at the same time. Crossing across the line of attack while turning over.
Chopping-Metal: Like an axe chopping down and over. Drilling-Water: Drilling forward diagonally. Like two waves crashing into each other. Crushing-Wood: Like an arrow shot directly forward. Exploding-Fire: Exploding outward like a cannonball, while covering at the same time. Crossing-Earth: Crossing across the line of attack while turning over.
What does Chok, Sok, Ti Khao, and Teep mean in english?
Punching, Elbow, Knee, and Foot Thrust.
1 Member from each Team play a round of Blackjack. Everyone that beats the Dealer wins 500 points for their team where as losers lose 500 points for their team
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A person who participates in archery is typically called an archer or a bowman, and a person who is fond of or an expert at archery is sometimes called a?
2 Members of your Team perform 4 Punch Techniques. -Shuto Gammen Uchi -Shuto Sakotsu Uchi -Shuto Uchi Uchi -Nukite -Shotei -Mawashi Zuki -Haishu Uchi
Shuto Gammen Uchi- Knife Hand Roundhouse Strike Shuto Sakotsu Uchi- Downward Knife Hand Strike Shuto Uchi Uchi- Knife Hand Inner Strike Nukite- Spear Hand Shotei- Palm Heel Mawashi Zuki- Roundhouse Punch Haishu Uchi- Back Hand Strike
"Xing Yi Quan translates approximately to?
"Form-Intention Fist", or "Shape-Will Fist
Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art with its roots originating in Angola and the Congo, that combines elements of?
dance, acrobatics and music, and is usually referred to as a game.
Brazilian jiu-jitsu it is not solely a martial art? Their are 4 right Answers name all of them.
but it is also a sport; a method for promoting physical fitness and building character in young people; and, ultimately, a way of life
1 Member from each Team play a round of Blackjack. Everyone that beats the Dealer wins 250 points for their team where as losers lose 250 points for their team
01001101 01111001 01000110 01100001 01110110 01101111 01110010 01101001 01110100 01100101 01010110 01101001 01100100 01100101 01101111 01100111 01100001 01101101 01100101 01001001 01110011 01000110 01100001 01101100 01101100 01101111 01110101 01110100 00111010 01001110 01100101 01110111 01010110 01100101 01100111 01100001 01110011
Mae Keage- Front Straight Kick Mae Geri- Front Snap Kick Kin Geri- Groin Kick Hiza Geri- Knee Kick Mawashi Geri- Roundhouse Kick Fumikomi - Stomp or Stomping Kick Kakato Geri- Axe Kick
2 Members of your Team perform 4 Kick Techniques. -Mae Keage -Mae Geri -Kin Geri -Hiza Geri -Mawashi Geri -Fumikomi -Kakato Geri
The study of Tai Chi primarily involves three aspects. What are those Aspects.
Health, Meditation, and Martial Art.
This "Viet Vo Dao" consists of ten principles, what are those principles? You can name 5 if you want.
Vovinam's disciples vow to pursue high proficiency in their martial art in order to serve the people and humanity. Promise to be faithful to the intentions and teaching of Vovinam and develop the young generation of Vovinam Viêt Võ Dao. Be united in spirit and heart, respect one's elder, be kind to one's peers. Respect discipline absolutely, maintain the high standard of personal conduct and honour of a martial art disciple. Have respect for other martial art schools, only use martial art skills for self-defense and protect justice. Be studious, strengthen the mind, enrich one's thought & behavior. Live simply, with chastity, loyalty, high principles and ethics. Build up a spirit of steely determination and vigor, overcome powers of violence. Make intelligent judgments, carry out struggles with perseverance and act with alertness. Be self-confident, self-controlled, modest and generous.
Brazilian jiu-jitsu was formed from Kodokan judo ground fighting (newaza) fundamentals that were taught by a number of individuals including?
Takeo Yano, Mitsuyo Maeda and Soshihiro Satake.
Fill in the Blanks. Historically, schools incorporated sparring under a variety of conditions from using solid wooden ____ to use of bamboo sword (___) and armor (___).
Historically, schools incorporated sparring under a variety of conditions, from using solid wooden bokutō to use of bamboo sword (shinai) and armor (bōgu).
1 Member from each Team play a round of Blackjack. Everyone that beats the Dealer wins 500 points for their team where as losers lose 500 points for their team
01001101 01111001 01000110 01100001 01110110 01101111 01110010 01101001 01110100 01100101 01001101 01101111 01110110 01101001 01100101 01001001 01110011 01000110 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 01000011 01101100 01110101 01100010