College Age
Do you know?
Can you guess?
What we all know

The date Martin Luther King Jr was born.

What is January 15, 1929?


At what age did Martin first attend college?

A. 19

B. 13

C. 15

What is 15?

Martin was 15 years old when he started college.


The birth name of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (He was born with another name, before his father changed it.)

A. Luther

B. Michael

C. Milton

Who is Michael?


Where is the place where Dr. King died?

What is Memphis, Tennessee?


The month that we celebrate Dr. King's birthday.

What is January?


The city and state Martin Luther King Jr was born in.

What is Atlanta, Georgia?


How many colleges did Martin attend?

What is the number 3?


How many children does Dr. King have?

A. 3

B. 4

C. 2

What is four (4) children? 


Each ____________ we celebrate his birthday in order to honor his dream. 

What is January?


Name of his most famous speech.

What is "I Have A Dream"?


What sport did Martin love to play with his friends?

What is baseball?


How many degrees does Dr. King have?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 3  

What is 3?

1.Bachelor of Arts 2. Bachelor of Divinity 3.Doctorate of philosophy 


What year did Dr. King give his most famous speech in?

A. 1963

B. 1923

C. 1999

What is 1963?


What are things that Dr. King advocated for everyone?

A. Life, liberty, and freedom of speech

B. Peace, life, and justice for all

C. Freedom of speech, justice for all, and liberty

What are life, liberty and freedom of speech?


The day of the week in which we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s life.

When is the 3rd Monday in January?


What two grades did Martin skip as a kid?

A. 4th and 9th

B. 8th and 9th

C. 9th and 12th

What is 9th and 12th grade? 



At what age was Martin when he graduated college?

What is age 19?


What did Dr. King become a great leader in?  

A. Boycott Movement

B. Education Movement

C. Civil Rights Movement

What is the Civil Rights Movement?


True or False:

Dr. King believed in peaceful protests and practices throughout his life. 

What is true?

What did Dr. King want the most?

What is for all individuals to be treated equally?


How many siblings did Martin have?

A. 2

B. 5

C. 3

What is 2? A

Martin had 2 siblings: Christine and Alfred 


Where is Morehouse College (Universtity) located?

A. Fredericksburg, Virginia

B. Columbia, South Carolina

C. Atlanta, Georgia

Where is Atlanta, Georgia?



One of the three universities Dr. King attended. 

A. Morehouse College

B. Howard University

C. Liberty University

What is Morehouse College?

He also attended: Crozer Theological Seminary and Boston University


True of false:

Dr. King was the youngest individual to ever receive a Nobel Peace Prize. 

What is true? At the young age of 35, Dr. was the youngest person to ever receive the Noble Peace Prize.

Why is there no school on Monday, January 15th?

What is in Observation of MLK day?