Which way is the tiger paw oriented and why?
What is to one o'clock for game time?
Pirates used lemons to help and prevent this disease.
What is Scurvy?
NASA astronauts live and work in this laboratory that orbits Earth.
What is the International Space Station (ISS)?
What percentage of people on the planet have run a marathon?
What is less than 1% of the population?
Who hosted a tailgate which was the first official meeting of Martyn and Hannah?
Who is Grace Beischel?
Clemson was featured in a movie released in 2020 about Ray McElrathbey, a football player who battled family adversity. What is the name of the film?
What is Safety?
Lemons which have a high acid content may not be good for people with this disease, which can lead to heartburn, regurgitation and other worse symptoms.
What is GERD?
This NASA rover, which landed on Mars in 2012, was named after a trait that helps scientists explore the unknown.
What is Curiosity?
What is the name of the group of mountains in Asheville?
What are The Blue Ridge Mountains (part of the Appalachian)?
Which Bridesmaids share a major with Hannah?
Who are Carrie Magyar, Caitlyn Wood and Rachel Wade?
What is the first line in the Clemson Alma Mater?
What is "Where the blue ridge yawns its greatness?"
Lemon juice was used as invisible ink in this popular film to display a secret message on an important US document.
What is National Treasure?
The largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons, is located on this planet.
What is Mars?
What are the components of a triathlon (with distances)?
What is a 1,500 m swim a 25 mile bike ride and a 10 k run.
Which of the bridesmaids would understand the significance of the phase 'founded on a rock'?
Who are Caitlyn Wood, Claire Hasenoehrl, and Jayme Barnett.
In 2023, what bowl game did the Tiger's football team play in?
What is the TaxSlayer Gator Bowl on December 29, 2023? (against Kentucky)
Despite their sour taste, lemons have a pH level higher than this common beverage, making them technically less acidic.
What is Coca-Cola?
In 1969, this NASA mission made history by landing the first humans on the Moon.
What is Apollo 11?
This mountain offers the highest point east of the Mississippi river, and is located about 35 miles northeast of Asheville
What is Mount Mitchel?
What is powder blue?
How many times would the South Carolina Gamecocks have to beat Clemson consecutively to tie the record of wins and losses in football?
What is 29?
What fruit classification is a lemon?
a) miniature melon b) drupe c) pepo d) modified berry
What is d) modified berry?
In 1977, NASA launched this spacecraft, now the farthest human-made object from Earth.
What is Voyager 1?
What is the name of the first person who died from and created the tradition of running a marathon?
Who is Pheidippides?
In what year did Hannah post the first picture with Ashley Harrison on instagram?
What is 2013. (October 14, 2013) with caption, "Scarowinds last night!"