What year did the first avenger movie come out
Who is Gomora the daughter of
What was marvels first tv show
Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D
Who said “ you didn’t see that coming”
Pietro Maximoff / quicksilver
Who snapped their fingers to win
Iron man / Tong stark
Why did Loki come to earth in the Avengers
For the tesseract
Who abducted Peter quill
Yondu and the ravagers
What is the tv show about Wanda called
Who said “on your left
Steve Rogers / Captain America
Who went to volmir
Clint and Natasha
How many avenger movies are there
What planted did they save from Ronan
What is Wanda maximoff
A Scarlett Witch
Who said “ let’s do get help”
Thor odinson
No let 2012 thanos to the future
2012 nebula
Who created the avengers
Nick fury
What is Peter quills dads name
What is the third marvel tv show
The falcon and the winter solider
Who said “ I can only feel you “
Wanda and vision
Scott Lang / ant man
Who is the most powerful avengers
Wanda Maximoff
What do they call Ronan
Ronan the accuser
Who is the villain in WandaVision
Agatha harkness
Who said “ bye bye bikinis”
Natasha romanoff / black widow
Who did captain America dance with
Peggy carter