Who is the leader of the Avengers?
Captain America
2x points if you said Steve rodgers
Who is the villain to wielded the infinity gauntlet
What is the name of alien Kryptonian?
2x if you said Clark Kent
Who terrifies Gotham the most?
2x if you said Jack napier
what came out first DC or marvel?
Who is the brains of the Avengers?
Iron man
2x if you said Tony Stark
Who is the planet eating marvel villain?
Who is the sole protector of Gotham?
2x if you said Bruce Wayne
Who announced themselves as a new god?
How many years did DC produce before marvel came out?
Who is the strongest Avengers physically?
the hulk
2x if you said Bruce banner
Who is the half Asgardian villain?
Who wields the lasso of truth?
Wonder woman
2x if you said Diana prince
Who is the old god who also has a daughter who is half demon?
Who created marvel and DC?
Stan lee and Malcolm wheeler
Who got accused for being a mutant hero?
2x if you said Peter Parker
Who is the name of the villain who has a twisted sense of trying to create world peace.
Who is the person who inherited the power of 5 gods
2x if you said billy batson
What is the name of the billionaire who keeps terrorizing Superman?
Lex Luthor
Who is Stan Lee's favorite Marvel and DC character?
Lobo and Spiderman
Who is spiderman superhero best friend?
Human torch
2x if you said Johnny storm
Who is the name of the villain who used to be named Johann Shmidt?
Red skull
who has a blue power tech suit and uses it for good?
Blue beetle
2x if you said Jaime Reyes
who is the name of the villain who terrified batman and gave him a run for his money while wearing a darker mask?
black mask
Who is Malcolm Wheeler favorite DC character?
Slam bradley