purple guy in endgame
name of black pather
falcon and the
winter solder
who is the Cajun mutant with cards and a stick and has the name of a hedgehog
remy lebeau
who is the alter ego of spiderman
peter parker
who was the villain in avengers
who is the hulks alter ego
bruce banner
what is the name of the X men show
X men 97
which x men is famous for his healing factor and claws
who was the villain of the first sam raimi spiderman film
green goblin
who was the villain of caption America the first avenger
red skull
first MCU movie
iron man or Howard the duck if you are a nerd
what was the show with the scrulls
secret invasion
who is the bulletproof metal mutant
name all three home spiderman movies
homecoming, far from home, no way home
who is the villain of iron man
Obidia stane/iron monger
name all of the original guardians
rocket,Groot,star lord,drax,gamora
who are the four defenders
iron fist,daredevil,Luke cage,Jessica jones
who is wolverines brother
sabertooth/Victor Creed
name 6 of spidermans villains
answers may differ
who was the villain of civil war
baron zemo
name 5 eternals
Ajak, Sersi, Ikaris, Kingo, Sprite, Phastos, Makkari, Druig, Gilgamesh, and Thena
what are the two personality's of moon knight
Steven Grant and marc specter
who was the first mutant to appear In the mcu
quicksilver/scarlet which
name 5 spider men from spider man into the spider verse
answers may vary