How many Infinity Stones are there?
Which movie kicked off the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Iron Man
Black Panther is set in which fictional country?
Thor played what video game in Avengers: Endgame?
What system replaced Jarvis?
Friday, which stands for Female Replacement Intelligent Digital Assistant Youth. It was created by Tony Stark.
Where is Captain America from?
Brooklyn, New York
Who was able to pick up Thor’s hammer in Endgame?
Captain America
Who rescued Tony Stark and Nebula from space?
Captain Marvel
Scott Lang was trapped in the Quantum Realm for how long?
Five years
Who did Captain America give his shield to in Endgame?
Nick Fury wears an eye patch over which eye?
His left eye
In which movie did Spider-Man make his first appearance in the MCU?
Captain America: Civil War
Pepper Potts is allergic to what?
Who is the firstborn child of Odin?
What is Natasha's final line before she sacrifices herself on Vormir in Avengers: Endgame?
Natasha's last words to Hawkeye are, "It's okay."
Captain America’s shield and Bucky's arm are made of what?
Hawkeye has how many children?
What does Doctor Strange call his cape?
a cloak
Who cut Thanos' head off?
Who said, “What is grief, if not love persevering?”
What type of doctor is Doctor Strange?
a neurosurgeon
Whose power "exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme?"
The Scarlet Witch/Wanda
Name every person that has held the title of Captain America in the MCU:
Steve Rogers, John Walker, and Sam Wilson
Stan Lee made his final cameo in which Marvel movie?
Avengers: Endgame.
What does Black Widow say to the Hulk to help him calm down and change back into Bruce Banner?
"The sun's getting real low."