Whose Superpower is to transform into a 'jolly' green giant?
The Hulk
Who is the creator and Father of the Marvel Universe?
Martin Goodman and/ or Stan Lee
Who were the original 6 members of the Avengers?
Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye.
What was the first film in the MCU?
Iron Man
What is the superhero name of Xavier from X-Men?
Professor X
Whose superpowers include Computer interaction, Energy Blast, and Body Manipulation? (hint they are a Synthezoid Physiology/Mind Stone Enhancement)
What was the name of the comics founded in 1939 by pulp magazine that were a precursor to Marvel comics?
Timely Comics
Where was Black Widow originally born?
The Soviet Union
What is the name of the movie staring Thor and The Hulk together?
Thor: Ragnarok
What material are Wolverine's Claws made out of?
Whose latent mutant power is to absorb the life energy and psyche of others with skin-to-skin contact?
Within the Comic Books (most closely to the MCU), Who was the original Character to defeat Thanos?
Adam Warlock
In what Avengers movie did Dr. Strange first appear?
Thor: Ragnerok
What is the name of the Marvel kids animated series?
Marvel Super Hero Adventures
This X-men has the ability to teleport. Has blue skin and a tail.
Night Crawler
Whose superpower is it to control Weather?
Who was the first superhero that Stan Lee Created?
The Destroyer
In the Avengers who is Spiderman a protoge of?
Iron Man
This movie is based in the past and features and individual in the military.
Captain America the First Avenger
This X-men can shoot fire. She has red hair.
The Pheonix (Gene)
Which superhero created an arc creactor and placed in into their chest in order to gain power and synthesis with an armored suit?
Iron man/ Tony Stark
What year did the Marvel era begin? and with that group of superheros?
1961, The Fantastic Four
Name all 6 of the Infinity stones in the MCU
Space, Time, Reality, Power, Mind, and Soul
This movie is set in Africa. The main character is based on a wild cat.
The Black Panther
This X-men has ice powers.
Bobby/ Ice Man