What does scarlet witch's Ult do?
she turns into a bomb
what is this season about
dr doom
what does Adam warlocks team-up do
gives starlord or Mantis a extra life
Regenerative Cocoon: Once his body perishes, he can freely move as a soul and reforge his body at a chosen spot.
Adam Warlock
If the other team has a certain character you see him before it starts who is it?
What does Groot Ult do?
stops the enemy from moving.
how many characters
who does magneto team up with
scarlet witch
Gamma Boost:gains 150 Health while playing alongside Dr. Strange or Iron Man
What marvel group is being added soon?
Fantastic 4
What does Dr. Strange Ult do?
how many support
what are the three team-ups where a tank can pick up another person
Groot & Rocket
Groot & Jeff
Hulk & Wolverine
Wall Runner:run along walls at a speed that's quicker than his ground-running.
Iron Fist
Who is getting added? (people are surprised by him being a healer)
what does rockets Ult do?
spawns a beacon that gives your team a damage boost
how many tanks
who can hulk team-up with? how does it help them?
Dr. Strange and Iron man
gives them gamma radiation for their abilities
Ceaseless Charge:it reloads his weapon any time he uses abilities
Who is the main leader in guardians of the galaxy
What does Mantis Ult do?
makes the team invincible for a few seconds and heals them
how many duelist
18 duelist
Black panther and Psylocke
it makes Black panther and Psylocke able to go back in time and they Regen health
Flying Ace:Hold the mapped button to fall slowly when jumping from a height.
rocket raccoon
will they nerf Jeff the shark in the next update