This game is ...
What is Fire
What vanguard is the companion of The Winter Soldier
What is Captain America
Which character is labeled as the easiest to play?
What is Scarlet Witch/Squirrel Girl
Which Strategist is a racoon
What is Rocket Racoon
Which character allows Luna Snow to gain chi from this character
What is Iron Fist
So here's the ...
What is The Thing
Which character uses a hammer
What is Thor
What character becomes a turret, this turret can also dodge ultimates
What is The Punisher
Which Character Revives his Teammates with his Uktimate
What is Adam Warlock
What Character allows Magneto to use a chaos greatsword
What is Scarlet Witch
That's a bit of a ...
What is Stretch
Which character's ultimate allows them to go into the floor
What is Venom
What character uses hit-scan and has one of the highest damage outputs in the game
What is Hela
Which (two) character(s) can use their ultimate to make them teammates infinitely survive anything but one-shot abilities
Mantis and Luna Snow
Which character gives Squirrel Girl a web cluster to use
What is Spider-Man
Dawg... I'm gonna be fully ... with you
What is Transparent
This character has the lowest health and the game and can transform
What is Bruce Banner/Hulk
Which character's ultimate gives them aimbot?
What is Star-Lord
Which character uses his ultimate to transform into another character
What is Loki
Which character allows Spider-Man and Peni Parker to use a burst of the Symbiote this character is made of
What is Venom
Fantastic Fns
What are The Fantastic Four
This character can place things down, when attacking an enemy this item hits them as well
What is Groot
Which character is labeled as the hardest to play by NetEase?
What is Spider-Man/Pyslocke
Which character's ultimate allows them to eat others, teammates and enemies
Jeff the landshark
What character allows Captain America and Storm to power up with lightning
What is Thor