Who is the Winter Soldier?
Booty #1 (picture on my phone)
Who is Venom?
____ is known for having a round shield with a star on it.
Who is Captain America?
We are venom, you are insignificant.
Who is Venom?
Frank spent over a year catching up on this book series
What is One Piece?
Who is WandaVision?
Booty #2 (picture on my phone)
Who is Squirrel Girl?
___ pretends to be a little girl online to track down pedophiles.
Who is the Punnisher?
We are Cloak and Dagger, we are hope and fear.
Who is Cloak and Dagger?
Frank's favorite band
Who is Good Kid?
Listen to a video on Frank Phone
Who is Luna Snow?
Booty #3 (picture on my phone)
Who is Mister Fantastic?
Every year on ___'s birthday Sabretooth shows up to beat him up.
Who is Wolverine?
Life energy is a powerful weapon against evil.
Who is Mantis?
Frank's favorite video game
What is Stardew Valley?
Who is Black Widow?
Booty #4 (picture on my phone)
Who is Vengeance?
Spider-Man and ___ built a car that can drive up walls.
Who is The Human torch?
Stepping out of the shadows.
Black Widow
Frank recently read this book
What is Project Hail Mary?
Who is Iron Fist
Booty #5 (picture on my phone)
Who is Punisher 2099?
With Logan's blessing, ____ killed Matsu'o Tsurayaba.
Who is Psylocke?
Once an Avenger, always an Avenger.
Who is Hawk Tuah Guy?
6 inches
What is Frank's ideal Subway sandwich length?