This character's fighting style is reckless, as even if they die, they will just be reborn.
Moon Knight
This character was defeated by Reed Richards using a wooden gun.
This character has a symbiote stored in their closet and once used said symbiote to steal food from street vendors.
Jeff the Landshark
A villain of this character's, Hate Monger, is a genetic clone of Hitler.
Captain America
This team-up predates nearly every other team in Marvel history, the only team existing before this one being the Invaders.
Fantastic Four
In 1989, this character was race swapped.
This character was able to kill the Avengers by destroying their bodies from the inside.
This character turned Doctor Doom into becoming a good guy by telling him that Over-Mind had killed the Fantastic Four, something he wanted to do himself.
Invisible Woman
This character has been a member of the Avengers, Defenders, Fantastic Four, X-Force X-Men, and Alpha Flight.
This team-up consists only of Omega Level Mutants.
Metallic Chaos
This character has a pet Russian black cat named Liho.
Black Widow
This character is so powerful that Darwin, a mutant who can adapt to literally anything, simply teleported away to save himself from death.
This character was named after a Beatles song, but they had their name changed to prevent copyright.
Rocket Raccoon
Despite not appearing to have such a power, this character is immune to fire. This character is able to alter their body to become flammable, though.
This team-up is typically performed by Colossus instead of one of the members of the team-up.
Fastball Special
This character loses the love of their life to the son of a demon, whom the love of their life has 2 fake children with.
This character merges their body with the Infinity Stones, giving them the ability to alter reality.
The Thing
After becoming one of the few beings left in existence, this character decides to acquire the Necrosword by turning into a worm and whispering into the ear of Ego the Living Planet.
After being infected by an alien creature, this character destroyed it, which brought the attention of a celestial being, which decided to bond with this character given their power.
Typically, using this team-up makes the characters who use it evil.
Symbiote Bond
This character joins the Justice League during a Marvel x DC crossover and was able to destroy a machine which would have ended both the Marvel and DC universes.
This character played a game of baseball against a group of human souls possessed by demons to free them (and won).
Doctor Strange
This character absorbed the energy of a dying universe to become the Living Tribunal, effectively a god of the Marvel universe.
Adam Warlock
Kang the Conqueror goes back in time just so he can marry this character.
Technically, Moon Knight could be given this team-up, as he has been able to perform the action members of this team-up have performed to get this team-up.
Voltaic Union