What are Tony’s famous last words to Thanos in Avengers Endgame
“I am Iron Man”
What was Steve Rogers injected with to become Captain America?
Super-soldier serum
Which arm did Bucky lose when he fell from the train in Captain America the first Avenge?
His left arm
What is Pepper Potts allergic to?
What is captains shield made of?
What is the winter soldiers legal name?
James Buchanan Barnes
Who is Tony Starks favorite band?
What is the line Steve says when standing up to bully’s or when refusing to give up?
“I can do this all day”
What was Bucky’s famous line?
“Don’t do anything stupid until I come back”
Name one of Tony Stark’s AI assistants.
bonus 50 if you can name more than one
Who is only Cap’s team in Captain America Civil War
The Falcon, Ant-Man, Barton/hawkeye, Bucky/winter soldier, and Wanda
Where does the winter soldier seek asylum and remove his hydra programming? AND what did they call him?
Wakanda and white wolf
What was Tony supposed to be building when he built the first iron man suit? And during where and by who was Tony captured For 100 bonus points
The Jericho missile. Captured by the terrorist group the 10 rings and in Afghanistan
What Marvel movies does Captain America appear in?
Captain America the first Avenger, Captain America the winter soldier, Captain America civil war, the Avengers, the avengers age of ultron, Avengers infinity war, and Avengers endgame
What are bucky’s trigger words?
Longing, rusted, seventeen, daybreak, furnace, nine, benign, homecoming, one, and freight car