New World
Light House
Savage World
What is the main controller's name?
Mustapha Mond
What is the name of the lowest caste?
name one activity John did, inn his lighthouse world?
a. farming b. putting work into the house
How is the working situation different in the reservation than from the new world?
nothing is assigned
what is shown by the fact that we don't know any of the lower castes' names?
There is no individuality among the lower castes.
What is the ultimate goal in the new world?
Overall happiness- "Community, Identity, Stability"
what was the location of the light house?
On a hill over looking, and surrounded by beautiful nature. "The woods, the open stretches of heather and yellow gorse, the clumps of Scotch firs, the shining ponds with their overhanging birch trees, their water lilies, their beds of rushes–these were beautiful and, to an eye accustomed to the aridities of the American desert, astonishing."
Are feelings present in the reservation?
Yes death, love, pain...
Why do people use soma?
to feel happy and ignore unpleasant emotions “A gram is better than a damn”
give one reason why people are unhappy in the new world?
because they depend on soma to avoid depression
Besides for working the land, and on his house what types of activities did John preform in order to feel like he deserved to live in the light house (hint- he did them to himself)?
hit and tortured himself “His back was horizontally streaked with crimson, and from weal to weal ran thin trickles of blood ." “when morning came, he felt he had earned the right to inhabit the lighthouse;”
what roles do parents play in the reservation?
"appalling dangers of family life" they are the protectors of their family
what other political view can marxism be compared to?
“Fertilize in Bokanovskivy- in other words, multiply by 72-and you get an average of nearly 11 000 brothers and sisters in a 150 batches of identical twins” Is this quote pro or anti marxism? Why or why not?
This quote is anti marxism because everyone is made in a mass production style unlike Karl Marx's view in which he supports the individual.
what did John do to prepare for the lighthouses upkeepings?
he spent all his own money on different supplys that the lighthouse needs "Before leaving London he had bought four viscose-woollen blankets, rope and string, nails, glue, a few tools, matches (though he intended in due course to make a fire drill), some pots and pans, two dozen packets of seeds, and ten kilogrammes of wheat flour." “Looking at the tins now, he bitterly reproached himself for his weakness. Loathesome civilized stuff! He had made up his mind that he would never eat it, even if he were starving. "That'll teach them," he thought vindictively.”
can you switch out of you place in society? (move up or down)
yes people aren't equal in that society and aren't "stuck" in a specific class level.
What color do the Alphas wear?
Grey • "Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly color. I'm so glad I'm a Beta."
Why did the controllers decide to stop people from going outside solely for the purpose of enjoying nature?
because now there needs to be either money or power involved in everything they are doing
what was Johns other option besides for going to the lighthouse?
go to into isolation, on one of the islands
is the reservation better without soma? (aka- would it be better if they had soma?)
they maintain a more normal life without it and are able to deal with their emotions instead of just ignoring them.