The man Mary was betrothed to.
Who is Jospeh?
Mary's sister ___ was also pregnant.
The people Mary usually approached___ after she died.
Who are kids and people in poverty?
The solemnity of Mary is a day to_____
celebrate Mary. ( answers that are reasonable may count)
The day we graduate.
What is June 7, 2024?
Mary was born without___
Original SIn
The event where Mary was present with the apostles when the Holy Spirit came is called____.
Mary is known as the ___ of all Saints.
On December 8th, the Immaculate Conception, Mary___
was going to be born without sin.
The next U.S. holiday.
What is Memorial Day?
The names of Mary's parents.
Who are Anne and Joachim?
Mary was involved in what miracle of Jesus.
What is the Wedding Feast of Cana.
Mary is the Patron saint of ____.
All humanity
On March 25 Mary___
Was told she was chosen to have Jesus.
Joe Biden's birthday.
What is November 20, 1942?
Mary's birthday.
What is September 8?
The Day Angel Gabriel told Mary she would carry Jesus.
What is the Annunciation?(March 25 would also be accepted)
The color Mary always wears.
What is the color blue?
The Coronation of Mary is on___
August 22
The year and season of the first Thanksgiving.
Autumn 1621( If you get at least one of them right you get half)
Mary took a vow of____.
The apostle told to take care of Mary by Jesus.
Who is John?
The crown Mary wears has ___ stars.
Name every day of Mary that a Day of Holy Obligation.
Solemnity of Mary(Jan 1st), Assumption (August 15), Immaculate Conception(December 8)
The longest song in the world is ___ hours___minutes and ___ seconds
138hr, 41mins, and 20sec.( If you guess one right you get 1/3, two right 2/3, and three right full points.)