Massage Therapy History
Ethics & Boundaries

He is considered to be the "Father of Swedish Massage and Physical Therapy".

Who is Pehr Henrik Ling?



What is Full Body Swedish Massage?


This is defined as a systematic inquiry using prescribed methods to validate/refine existing knowledge or develop new knowledge.

What is research?


The science or study of morals, values, and principles, including the ideals of autonomy, beneficence, and justice. The moral principles governing behavior.

What are Ethics?


This is a non-living entity that causes disease and relies on a host cell for growth/replication.

What is a virus?


This Dutch physician is credited with the creation of the French massage terminology we use to this day.

Who is Dr. Johann Metzger?



What are Muscles?


This is defined as the cognitive and social understanding of the purpose, process, and value of research and includes ability to locate, read, understand, and evaluate research.

What is research literacy?


The knowledge base and practice parameters of a profession. 

What is Scope of Practice?


This term refers to a preference for a particular outcome and is something that good research should strive to reduce or eliminate.

What is Bias?


He was the first Greek physician and philosopher who wrote about the benefits of massage and anointing. He is also associated with the "First, do no harm" oath that doctor's take when they begin practicing.

Who is Hippocrates?



What is front?


This aspect of research is a survey of all existing scholarly works on a particular topic. Its purpose in a research project is to provide context and ensure that standards are being met.

What is a literature review?


An inability on the part of the professional to separate the therapeutic relationship from personal feelings. Personalization of the professional relationship by the professional.

What is countertransference?


These are defined as minimum infection control practices to prevent occupational transmission of disease

What are standard precautions?


Chinese texts dating back to this year show when massage started to be written about extensively in medical literature of the time. 

What is 3,000 BCE?



WHat is inflammation of?


This type of research is concerned with objective facts and replicable results. It establishes generalizable facts and the findings are typically expressed mathematically.

What is QUANTITATIVE reseach?


A consumer protection process that requires clients to be informed of the steps of treatment, that their participation be voluntary, and that they are competent to give consent. Also an educational process that allows clients to make knowledgeable decisions on whether or not to receive treatment.

What is Informed Consent?


The year in which year George Henry Taylor and Charles Fayette Taylor introduced the Swedish movement system in the United States.

What is 1856?


This Roman physician furthered the works of Hippocrates when it came to the use of massage. He combined knowledge of anatomy, medicine, exercise, baths, and massage. He also promoted the idea of rubbing/pinching gladiator's muscles prior to combat.

Who is Galen?



What is "disease/disorder"?


This type of research study randomly assigns participants to either a treatment group or a control group. It is widely considered to be the gold standard for research.

What is a randomized controlled trial (RCT)?


A guaranteed legal right that allows both the client and the therapist to alter or reject aspects of the treatment plan, turn down appointments, or terminate a session already in progress if just and reasonable cause exists.

What is Right of Refusal?


This was the first professional organization for massage therapists in the United States. Originally founded in 1943, it went through several name changes before settling on its current name in 1983.

What is the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)?