What is the 2nd Pillar of Faith (إِيمَان)? Belief in _____
Angels (مَلَائِكَة)
Which two angels write our good and bad deeds?
Raqeeb (رَقِيب) and 'Ateed (عَتِيد)
Which angel is the gatekeeper of paradise (جَنَّة)؟
Ridhwaan (رِضْوَان)
What will happen if you sleep at night in a state of Wudu at night?
“Whoever retired for the night in a state of purity, an angel will reside with him in his bed. He will not awaken for an hour in the night but that the angel says: O Allah, forgive this servant of yours, for he retired in a state of purity.” (al-Da’wāt al-Kabīr 358)
Which angel gave revelation (وَحْي) to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ?
Gabreal (جِبْرَائِيل)
What are angels created from? (Hint: Humans are created from clay/dirt)
Which two angels will question us in the grave?
Munkar (مُنْكَر) and Nakeer (نَكِير)
Bonus Question: What are the three questions in the grave?
Which angel is the gatekeeper of hellfire (جَهَنَّم)?
Maalik (مَالِك)
What is the name of the Ka'bah that angels do Tawaf around?
Al-Baytul-Ma'mur (البَيْتُ المَعمُور)
True or False: Angels never disobey Allah SWT because they choose to always obey Allah SWT.
False. They do not have the ability to disobey Allah SWT. Humans, on the other hand, have the choice of obeying/disobeying Allah SWT. May Allah make us from the obedient Ameen.
Angels can never be seen, because they are from the unseen world (عَالَمُ الْغَيْب).
False. Although they are from the unseen world, they can be seen if Allah SWT wills.
Which angel takes out the soul of people when they die?
Malikul-Mawt (مَلِكُ المَوْت)
Which angel will blow the trumpet on the Day of Judgement?
Israafeel (إِسْرَافِيل)
What can you do to get angels in your home? (Hint: Many answers)
- Read Qur'an
- Do Dhikr (SubhanaAllah, Alhamdulilah, Allahu Akbar)
- Send lots of Salawat upon our Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
- Have a clean home
- Do lots of Dua