Physiologic Adaptation
Reduction of Risk Potential
Pharm/Parental Therapies
Basic Care and Comfort
Health Promotion and Maitenance

Respiratory, Circulatory, or Other Body Systems:

"A client after a total laryngectomy states that she covers her stoma when she is putting on her makeup in the morning."  

What is Respiratory?


Physical or Psychosocial:

"A client receiving oxygen per nasal cannula at 4L/min becomes more alert and less agitated." 

What is physical?


Physical or Psychosocial:

"A client receiving cisplatin states that they now use a soft toothbrush."

What is physical?


Physical or Psychosocial?

"A client is admitted to the ER with acute chest pain radiating down the left arm" 

What is physical?


Physical or Psychosocial:

"The nurse encourages direct contact with the infant through teaching demonstrations with a postpartum woman who delivered a 9-lb 2oz infant."

What is psychosocial?


Respiratory, Circulatory or Other Body Systems:

"A client with a colostomy state that he cleans the area around the stoma with alcohol twice a week."

What is Other Body Systems?


Physical or Psychosocial:

"A 3-year-old post bronchoscopy sits forward with their neck in the extended position with contraction of the supraclavicular muscles."

What is Physical?


Respiratory, Circulatory, or Other Body Systems:

"The nurse measures the hourly urine output for a client receiving hydroxyethyl starch intravenously."

What is circulatory?


Physical or Psychosocial:  

"A terminal cancer patient reports hurting everywhere." 

What is psychosocial? 


Physical or Psychosocial:

"Ask the mother of an infant who vomits after bottle-feeding if there is a family history of milk allergy or intolerance."

What is physical?


Respiratory, Circulatory, or Other Body Systems: 

 "A client taking a daily dose of aspirin states that she should call the health care provider if she experiences nausea during the day."

What is Circulatory?


Respiratory, Circulatory, or Other Body Systems:

"A client with a history of syncopal episodes reports that they get weak and dizzy when they first get out of bed in the morning."

What is circulatory? 


Physical or Psychosocial:

"The nurse evaluates a patient who started on escitalopram three weeks ago for her risk for suicide."

What is physical?


Physical or Psychosocial:

"An 85 year-old-client who has been taking cimetidine for two weeks reports having more trouble remembering things since starting the medication."

What is Physical?


Physical or Psychosocial:

"The activity level of a 2-day-old infant undergoing traditional phototherapy is monitored every 2 hours."

What is physical?


Respiratory, Circulatory, or Other Body Systems:

"A client taking Warfarin states that they also take garlic supplements."

What is Circulatory?


Physical or Psychosocial:

"A client one hour after an appendectomy reports that their stomach feels tight and that they have increased abdominal pain." 

What is physical? 


Respiratory, Circulatory, or Other Body Systems:

"The nurse flushes the unused catheter lumens of a central venous access device with a 10mL syringe."  

What is Other Body Systems?


Physical or Psychosocial:

"A client who is recovering from a total right hip replacement states that his spouse needs to help put on his socks and shoes." 

What is physical? 


Physical or Psychosocial:

"The nurse evaluates a woman who drinks 4 alcoholic beverages per week for her risk for breast cancer."

What is physical?


Respiratory, Circulatory, or Other Body Systems:

"A hypoxic client is moved to the intensive care unit." 

What is other body systems? 


Respiratory, Circulatory, or Other Body Systems:

"A client two hours after a percutaneous liver biopsy is positioned slightly on the right side with a pillow under the head."

What is Circulatory?


Respiratory, Circulatory, or Other Body Systems:

"A client diagnosed with myasthenia gravis who is receiving pyridostigmine 75 mg orally, report increased difficulty chewing."

What is Respiratory?


Respiratory Circulatory or Other Body Systems:

"A client diagnosed with a fractured right femur pucks at the bed covers and is confused about the current date and location."

What is Respiratory?


Respiratory, Circulatory, or Other Body Systems:

"The mother of a dehydrated infant states that she will drink more water prior to breastfeeding the baby."

What is Other Body System?