What are some ways you meet physiological needs?
Eating, sleeping, drinking water etc.
Who are some people that make you feel safe?
Your family, school staff, first responders etc.
Who makes you feel loved and like you belong?
Friends, family, school staff, other people in the community etc.
What is the difference between self-esteem and esteem for others?
Self-esteem is respect for yourself and esteem for others is showing respect to other people.
How do we meet the self-actualization level?
Pursuing your goals and dreams, change, growth etc.
The easiest level to achieve.
What are some objects that make you feel safe?
Security cameras, alarms, crosswalks etc.
Where do you feel loved and like you belong?
At home, at school, at church/the temple, in the community etc.
Showing care and respect for yourself and others by being kind.
Is the self-actualization level the easiest or the hardest to achieve?
The hardest
What level/where on the pyramid is the physiological level?
The bottom level and the easiest to achieve.
What level/where on the pyramid is the security level?
Second from the bottom, the second easiest to achieve.
What level/where on the pyramid is love and belonging?
The middle of the pyramid.
What level/where on the pyramid is the esteem level?
Second from the top/The second hardest to achieve.
What level/where on the pyramid is the Self-Actualization level?
The top of the pyramid/the hardest level to achieve.
Physiological means...
What you need to stay healthy
Security means...
Being safe and sound
Care and inclusion
Respect for yourself and others
Self-Actualization means...
Becoming your true self