This late 14th Century poem is considered one of the earliest written references to Freemasonry
The Regius Manuscript (i.e., Halliwall Poem, or Poem of Moral Duties)
Book title (claimed by GLSC) derived from the Hebrew words ahim, manah, and ratzon - meaning 'the law of appointed or selected brothers'
Ahiman Rezon
This 'Rough Rider' U.S. President was the first American to win a Nobel Peace Prize
Bro. Theodore Roosevelt (1858 - 1919)
Split or sever (something), especially along a natural line or grain
Hint: Occurs when you attempt to raise a Master Mason
What hour is 'low twelve'?
The Grand Lodge of England was established in this year
Name of the oldest lodge in SC, established in 1736
Solomon's No. 1, Charleston SC
A decorated Marine Corps Aviator, and the first American to orbit the Earth
Bro. John Glenn (1921 - 2016)
Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective
Hint: WB Louis might call this 'froggy' (for the institution of Masonry)
The first Masonic Lodge in North America was established in this city in 1733 at the Bunch of Grapes Tavern
Boston, Massachusetts
Although its residence has moved to Washington, DC -- Charleston, SC remains the see (or Mother Supreme Council location) of this Appendant Body of Freemasonry - it was founded here in 1754
Scottish Rite (Southern Jurisdiction)
The 33rd President of the United States, and the only world leader ever to use nuclear weapons in war
Bro. Harry Truman (1884 - 1972)
The period of life in which a person is (said to be) old and weak
Hint: One of the conditions where someone cannot be initiated
In Hebrews 9, the Sanctum Sanctorum was said to contain which Holy artifact?
The Ark of the Covenant
He is considered the "Father of English Masonic Ritual"
William Preston
The number of lodges in the 18th District of South Carolina AFM
Famous Detroit Tiger from Narrows, GA who set 90 MLB records from 1905-1928 and was the first player elected to the baseball hall of fame
Bro. Ty Cobb (1886 - 1961)
Of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe; or elevate to a high degree of moral or spiritual purity or excellence
Hint: How to describe the degree of a MM; shares its name with the foremost ska band from the 90's
These two symbols, often seen together, depict 'well-grounded hope' and a 'well-spent life'
The Anchor and Ark
This US State is the only jurisdiction in the world where lodges are not numbered
Prior to the Union of 1817, this was Recovery's lodge number
English Nobel-Prize Laureate in literature, and the writer of "The Jungle Book"
Bro. Rudyard Kipling (1865 - 1936)
A man who behaves without moral principles or a sense of responsibility, especially in sexual or religious matters
Hint: From Anderson's Constitutions in 1723 - 'A Mason will... never be a stupid atheist nor an irreligious [this word]'
Prior to dedicating lodges to the Holy Saints John, our ancient brethren dedicated lodges to this person, the First Most Excellent Grand Master
King Solomon