When is Mass?
What is Sunday
What do we consume in mass
What is Wine and Eucharist
The father, son and
What is holy spirit
Lord be with you
What is And with your spirit
A reading from the old testament
First reading
When is communion
What is at the end of Mass
What do we do after communion
Sign of the cross
What is the trinity
What is thanks be to God
A talk about the readings
When is the first reading
What is at the start of Mass
When is jesus' Birthday
What is December 25
What is to kneel
Christ have mercy
What is Christ have mercy
A statement of church's beliefs
What is Profession of faith
When is the second reading
What is at the middle of Mass
what do we do near Jesus
What is give up something for 40 days
What is to sing
The gospel of the Lord
Praise to you lord Jesus Christ
Sang before the gospel
When is preparation of the Gifts
What is middle of Mass
We ask for Gods forgiveness
What is Penitential Act
The preparation of the _______
I confess to Almighty God
What is And to you my brothers that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words in what i have done and what i have failed to do through my fault, through my fault through my most greatest fault therefor I have asked blessed Mary ever Virgin all the angels and saints and to you my brothers and sisters to pray for me to the lord our God.
A reading from the new testament